Locos and rolling stock

Atlas Gold GP-7 ATSF 2761 conversion to T&P 1110

Some pictures of my(finally!) completed GP-7.

Started life as an Atlas Gold ATSF #2761 with ESU decoder and sound. I took her down to parade rest and rebuilt her as Texas and Pacific #1110. 

I did numerous modifications along the way, some of them;

Electrically uncoupling Kato locomotives and rolling stock


     I am using Kato locomotives and ruling stock for a new layout.


I plan on having several yards on my layout with uncoupling requirements.

What I need to know is can I successfully uncouple Kato rolling stock and locomotives electrically without changing the Kato couplers? 

T&P RS2 #1100, custom decals needed?

Edit- changed title hoping for better exposure


I've been thinking that I want to add this lone wolf to my roster. T&P only rostered the one unit, after brief service in the Lancaster yard she was repainted swamp Holly orange and black and sent to work the passenger terminal in Texarkana. In my world she will instead be sent west to work  smaller yards during the last of the transition from 0-8-0 switchers to SW's and GP's.

Help identifying Sn3 Freight Car types

I came across some model freight trains of my late father. These are Sn3 built from kits I think. Would appreciate some help wit basic identification. The black looks like maybe "Cattle Car" and Orange-Red a "Caboose"? Am I close?

As always, thanks in advance for review and comment. This is a very helpful forum for newbie like me.

end mill bit?

i need to make a adjustment to a number of passenger cars.

i need to remove some of the metal “flooring” where the truck bolsters mount up to.

but not the center mount point. ( there is this “shelf” around where the truck would mount to).

about inside dia the small dermal barrel sander up to just larger in dia of a larger dermal barrel sander.

and it must fit into a dremel, as i do not have a milling machine. heck not even a drill press.

How to start rolling stock collection

So, yea, this topic sounds a little simple here, but I think you all can offer some good advice.

The short of it is I'm getting back into the hobby and for the most part am starting out on my own (not working on a layout with someone else).  I have virtually no rolling stock and what I do have I will use for weathering practice.  I've been actively railfanning for he past 10+ years so I'm no stranger to prototype operations.

Runaway Locomotive running DCC

Hi, I am running JRMI  and using  Engine Driver as my throttle on my android cell phone. Every once in a while I have a Locomotive that goes rough on me. I have tried to release the locomotive and then try to put it back into engine driver and then a question pops up asking me if I want to steal this locomotive and I answer yes but the same question keeps popping up. I have to remove the locomotive from the layout and pull out another one to continue with my operations. Does anyone have any idea why I cannot steal this locomotive? Thank you.

A question about sound equipped engines?

I would like to purchase an N gauge Atlas locomotive with sound. We have a small DC layout with a very old MRC power pack. Would there be enough volt-amperes to run the locomotive? I do know that you cant access some of the functions on the engine by only using DC. Also would there be any other problems with running the sound equipped engine with  DC that I am not aware of? Any help would be appreciated!

kh25's picture

Kadee whisker coupler problems

I have recently replaced the couplers on my engines to the medium shaft whisker couplers.when the couplers dont swivel as freely and point either to the right or left,not centered when pulling around curves and even going straight.Should I clip the whiskers and use the brass centering plate as used with the #5 coupler?

DougL's picture

Dimensions of On30 boxcar?

What is a normal width and height of an On30 boxcar?

Normally I run HO, but I noticed this cute little Porter loco on the other side of the room. You know how it is.  winkNow I want to build a micro layout and scratch build a few cars.

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