Locos and rolling stock

Bernd's picture

Twin motored Athearn Alco PA chassi

After those steamers got converted I had 3 12 volt motors. What to do? Why mount each one on a truck so they swivel with the truck.

I think I found my next project.


Bernd's picture

Radio Controled 2-6-0 Steam Engine in HO gauge

Just finished up the third steamer with radio control. Using voltage from the track to power both the receiver and the motor I can control all three with one transmitter or individually  with 3 transmitters.

The engine on the right was the first to be converted to a 6 volt motor. The receiver works on 3-6 volts. This one needs the board redone so all components will fit inside the tender shell. The one on the left I added a plug so I won't have to un-solder the wires if I need to remove the board.

Scaling weight

How is weight scaled when comparing the prototype to the model?

It is very straight forward to scale size. In HO for example we scale everything down to 87th the size of the prototype, but if we follow this same fornula for weight then a 43.5 ton prototype locomotive should weigh 500 real pounds in HO scale. This does not seem correct.

Is there a formula for determining "scale" weight?


Post here, or not?

I'm starting my first scratch-build, other than the boxing ring and punching bag--a non-running Type A Climax in HOn30.  Should I post the (likely rather basic) build here as I go?  Start a blog?  Not bother posting?

Athearn engine noise - BB

Ok, so I have been reading and know the Athearn Blue box Loco's have a reputation for being noisy.   I picked one up on ebay and did the Tune-up on it.  It runs great, no problems at all, except for the noise.

Looking for reliable and inexpensive n-gauge locos for conversions

I'm building some HOn30 locomotives and rolling stock as time goes on.  I'm hoping to get an idea of what inexpensive n-gauge locos are reliable runners, steam and diesel, any size.  Realism is not an issue, the shell is going to go away.  Relatively easy to convert to DCC is a definite plus.  I'm hoping to find out what to grab when I see it cheap at a flea market, ebay, garage sale, etc.


Bernd's picture

Athearn 200 Ton Crane #2

I've been working on a second crane that will, hopefully, travel with the NCE display to shows. It will be controlled by a 4 function NCE decoder. Which decoder has not yet been determined.

Here are a few in progress pictures of the motorized turret and current pick ups.

The first attempt at using a friction drive didn't work. There was to much friction (pun intended) in the bushings supporting the gearing.

Mycroft's picture

They're hereeeeeee

Accurail just released the boxcar I have been waiting on for about 4 months.  Have to call my dealer tomorrow to remind him to get me my dozen of them.  And some wheelsets to switch out as well.  Two projects to keep me busy now.....


Hey guys in my last post I got a lot of request to see the layout do I went down Sunday and took a few photos just keep in mind the layout is very Michael work in progress I would really never classify a scene as complete I started the layout 5 years ago and I don't think it will be done until about 2014 to 2015 thanks for looking and enjoy

RSeiler's picture

Soldering Power Feed Back On

I recently purchases a used loco.  The power feed to the rear truck is disconnected.  I had it sort of soldered back on last night, but it came apart.  My problem is that the wire is so small I can't really even strip the insulation off without breaking wires.  Any suggestions?  I think if I could get the insulation off and the wire twisted and maybe tinned I could do this.  This is new territory for me.  Thanks. 

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