Locos and rolling stock

looking for wabash flag decal or dry transfer

I am bldg a model of the RR car ferry "Transfer" and need about a 1/2 " long Wabash "follow the flag flag" flag for the side of the ship. I have exhausted the normal sources, it seems Wabash is not modeled much any more. Custom decals would be pretty expensive given I only need 2. Thanks for any help!

What is the text on the end of this covered hopper?

On most ribbbed covered hoppers there is text on the verticle end panels that describes the wheels and axles that the car is equipped with. Usually it is centered justified on the center of the panel. The most common text that I have seen looks something like this:


On the car pictured below (a Trinity built 4750) the text is left justified and on the right side of the panel.

luis_lopes's picture

ESU Loksound

Hi all.

I have installed a ESU Loksound Micro V4.0 on my Kato RS2. This one I wont paint with my own livery, but rather give a good weathering.

Had to take one of weights, make a new enclosure for the speaker. It is not a pretty work, but it's good enough to make the sound a bit better.

Here are some photos:

passenger car colors

some suggestions please, What would be some good interior colors for passenger trains of the late 50's

weathering and graffiti one side

When modeling prototype rolling stock from a photo you usually only have a photo showing one side of the actual car so you don't know what the opposite side of the car looks like. In this case I'm thinking of just weathering one side per the prototype including graffiti and leaving the opposite side as "new."  When the car is on your layout you only see one side a time anyway. Has anyone done this?

GP 7/9 Handrails

Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone would know if the handrails from any other Athearn GP loco would fit BB GP 7/9s? I have a half dozen GP 9s that I bought at a yard sale, in good condition, but no handrails for any of them. I have not had any luck finding handrail sets for these anywhere. I thought possibly there were other GPs that have the same configuration....maybe?

Any way, thanks for any help.


MTH NS/ Heritage EMD SD70ACe

Does anyone have hands-on experience with the MTH NS/NYC Heritage EMD SD70ACe Locomotive w/ DCC & SOUND or any other road name? 

I'm finding it hard to locate reviews on these products (Walther's has a sale on the NYC model currently that makes the price attractive).



Atlas RS-1 body and a RSD-4/5 chasis

Has anyone tried the above combination? I am not even sure this will work. I am working in HO Scale.

I need an RSD-1 and that is the closest I can come up with right now. I know it doesn't get me the correct truck but I think I am willing to live with it for now. Fuel tank and air tanks I can scratch build.

Anyone aware of an RSD-1 available. I have not run across one at all. This why I am trying to play Dr. Frankenstein.


Jason Greene

Modeling USP&F Co. 1966.

DKRickman's picture

How do you make a complex metal shape?

I am designing an HO scale 0-6-0, and I'm trying to figure out how to make a weight for it.  Small locomotives benefit from as much weight as possible, so making the weight fit every available bit of space is a priority.  To that end, I've drawn a weight which fits very neatly inside the planned model:

luis_lopes's picture

Why going freelanced?

Hi all.


I am thinking about going totally freelanced - on the track plan and on the motive power.

Why? That way, I can get what I like and I want, on a paint scheme made by me. And this also makes me some cash, because I can get the undecorated versions of the locomotives, or even 2nd hand stuff, at even lower prices (normally I find that UP and SF stock is more expensive than others). Also, getting it here in Portugal it's even better this way.

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