Locos and rolling stock

Weight in older athearn F7

I'm upgrading my older athearn F7's to DCC. I put the decoder on top of the motor, but the weight will not fit over it. I tried milling some of the metal but I cannot get a good cleareance. Do I need to put the weight back in?  I'm affraid of loosing traction.

pierre52's picture

De-Railing Mystery

  A while ago I purchased a second hand HO Kato SD 40-2 and converted it to DCC.  Following the conversion it was running beautifully on my layout.  This surprised me a bit as it has 6 wheel trucks and my layout (in a small room) has some fairly tight curves and a number of those have turnouts incorporated in them.

Rapid prototyping question

I have some questions regarding using rapid prototyping printers to make a HO scale locomotive shell. What I would like to produce would be the car body of a PRR E-44 electric from the walkways up only. The existing Bachman E-33 would provide the frame/drive walkway section and handrails. The only difference between the two locomotives walkway down is the  number of steps leading up to walkway . The E-33 has 3 the E-44 has 4. The E-44 also had dummy mu receptacles on the end handrails .Some minor underbody details are different but these can easily be changed.

Modeling UP Dash 8's!

I haven't posted here in a while and thought I'd share my latest models! Got a couple UP Dash 8's in "We Will Deliver" paint.

Kato Locos Make Squeeling Sound

I test ran two new Kato SD40s for the first time.  Both make a squealing sound, especially in reverse.  The sound reminds me of what the locos here where I work sound like going through a curve and a turnout.  I tried lubricating the gears in the trucks with Labelle 106 oil.

Looking for advice on what I should try next.

Thanks in advance, 


Gondola with cement canisters

Can anybody tell me where to get color photo's of gondola's with cement canister so I can weather mine?

Dan S.'s picture

Smoke for steam locomotives

For those who love the ultimate in realism here is a short video of custom aftermarket syncronized smoke units we fit to customers locomotives. Its all run off a loksound dcc sound decoder which makes the smoke output infinately adjustable in timing,duration,density and volume.

If at first you don't succeed...

Let me try this again!  Trying to upload my first ever video using my iPod.  Please realize and have mercy on an old guy that is trying to break into this digital age.

If this works this time, it should show a B&M Local passing the paper mill on my yet unnamed layout.  Thanks for your patience



Bill Brillinger's picture

Bumps and Clunks - Switching Videos?

Can anyone suggest a few youtube videos that showcase the bumps and clunks of switching without a grade crossing signal bell clanging in the background?

Ideally there would be very little locomotive noise in the video, I'm just looking for some nice examples of the different sounds modern railcars make as they are coming together and apart during normal switching operations.

- Bill


Logging caboose kit bash


 Great article on the kit bashed logging cabooses. It is nice to see inexpensive models made to look like a million bucks. You did the same in the modeling world that they did it the real logging world.

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