Locos and rolling stock

What coupler for a NJ International LIRR Long Island P70 coach?

I have a NJ International LIRR Long Island P70 Coach, part number 717K made by F.M. Korea.  This is what it looks like:


Does anyone know what size coupler fits this car?  It came with trucks but no couplers.  There's a coupler mounting pad under the vestibules but I don't know what size shank length to use or whether I need an Underset, Centerset, or Overset shank.

Appreciate any guidance anyone can offer.

DCC in an old Mantua 4-6-2? has anyone done this?

I have an old Mantua 4-6-2 Pacific.  The body is metal; it's that old.  I would love to upgrade it to DCC sound and remotor it.  Has anyone done this before?  It runs well,but slow speed performance on DC is poor; that's why I suspect it needs a can motor instead of the 40-50 year old open frame one.  I am interested in doing this because the loco was my grandfather's, and has sentimental value.


(More likely, I'd be getting a lot of help doing it...)

Has anyone done this before?  Thanks!

Spectrum Climax runs slooowww...

Hi,   Under the tree yesterday was a Proto 2000 3 truck Climax w/Tsunami Decoder.  Seems to run pretty good, but runs very slowly...  I would not expect these to run the same speed as the Bachman Alco 2-6-0 (that was also under the tree), but even at almost top speed, it is outrun by the Alco on step 10 (of 128)...  The wheels are not slipping, and the chuff rate seems to go up at similar steps to the Alco, so the engine/decoder thinks it's working harder, it's just not really going much faster as the throttle is increased...

DougL's picture

New chassis for a Bachmann 44 tonner?

I have the old style 44 tonner with dual motors.  They are know for problems, and recently one of the motors has started smoking.  No sense waiting until it gets hot enough to melt the shell

Is there a way to re-power it with a single motor, or a source of the single motor chassis?



Brandon F's picture

Bachmann 45 Tonner Problems

Recently received a Bachmann 45 ton switcher as a gift. I've wanted one of these locos for a while and have heard many good things about their performance. However my locomotive seems to have serious trouble with slow speed running. at slow speed the locomotive's motion is very jerky. I ran the locomotive in in both directions for over an hour and saw no improvement. Has anyone else had this problem with these or has any advice as to fix mine? Any help is appreciated

CI Rail

What do you think of the CI Rail 

Getting the shell off... - Resolved!

.... a Bachmann Plus GP40 lcoc.

I am afraid to turn to brute force, as what few details the loco is born with should stay there...

I need her open for lubrication and decoder install...

Thank you for your time



Proto 2000 Gummy Gears

I bought a new in box Proto 2000 FA2/FB2 set off of eBay.  Though the boxes had never been opened, I suspect that the units are several years old.  After removing the chassis from the box, I attempted to rotate the motor by pushing on the flywheels and noticed that the motor was very stiff, and that the front truck would shift back and forth when I changed directions on the flywheels.  I removed the cap that holds the worm gear to the truck and found that the bronze bearings were very stiff and gummy.  With the worm gear removed the wheels would turn freely.  What i

Proto 2000 locomotives wheel sizes

I own 3 Proto 2000 locomotives. One is a GP18 TP+W in the brown gold color box. The other 2 are GP20's NYC's in the lite blue box. Does anyone out there know what size the wheels are ?? Are they 40 or 42'' size wheels. 

rickwade's picture

What a wife!

The bride was trying to help me through my latest "funk" on model railroading so besides offering some great counsel she also gave me my Christmas present early!  Check out my new loco:

It's a Broadway Limited Paragon SW1500 with DCC & sound!  I took it around the layout for a few laps and it looks & sounds great.  What a wife!

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