Locos and rolling stock

Improving electrical pickup

Hi gang. Has anyone had any experience at improving the electrical pickup for a sound equipped Proto 2000 SW8/900 equipped with traction tires? There's no room for a keep alive circuit without sacrificing the cab interior.

joef's picture

HELP! Bachmann's (older) Climax with split gears!


Does anyone have one of Bachmann's lovely (older) Climax engines?

If so, have you run into the problem with broken/split internal gears? (Not the truck gears) I have three of these Climaxes (two with two trucks and one with three) and all have broken, internal gears.

kh25's picture

Bachman Gp7 cab window

hello I have a ho scale sound value gp7 and the side cab window fell inside the shell. I took the shell off to fix the window and there is an enclosure around the window inside the cab how can i get the window out?
Thank you

ChuckG-EDO's picture

Decoder overheat in Penna. Loco Works (Bowser) metal shell

I'm repurposing a cast metal Penna Loco Works FM shell on an Atlas H 16-44 chassis. I've outfitted it with a Loksound Select decoder and two Tony's sugar cube speakers. 


HeavyObject's picture

SD-40-2 Grab Irons?

I'm detailing a SD-40-2 and need some help.What is the correct size for grab irons? 17" 18" or 24" 

MTH F3 bad actor

Has anyone had any issues with the MTH F3 with Proto Sound?

I have been given the task of trouble shooting the buga-boos in this loco. 

The loco was sent to me and was reported to stop dead when the horn was engaged and is jerky when it runs. When it was reset using F8=8, it did not change anything but the cab number back to 03.

Propane and asphalt tank cars.

What types of propane and asphalt cars were used between 1975 and 1994? I model in N scale. 

Bachmann 2-8-4 Berkshire modifications

As the title says I have a Bachmann Berkshire 2-8-4 that I want to convert to a 2-8-2 Heavy Mikado and I want to convert the coal tender to a Oil tender. This will be my Steam excursion power for my freelance passenger road  based on an old Southern Pacific subsidy in central Texas.

I am sure this is not a new idea and I have done other conversions but this is my first steam project, Any ideas you may have for parts or diagrams would be greatly appreciated.



Preparing a wood craftsman boxcar for paint and decaling.

Good morning everyone

I am finishing up a Labelle boxcar kit, my first craftsmen rolling stock kit, and it occurred to me that I really don't know how to prep in for paint. If it were a plastic kit I'd wash it in soapy water to remove the oils and dry it and airbrush it but are their any special techniques for wood models?

Thank you in advance, what a wonderful resource it is to be able to come to this forum and be able to ask questions from those with  more modeling experience!


Help wanted- paint matching

Reposting in this forum:

Looking for input /suggestions on the correct model paints (available in todays market, preferably Scalecoat) for a 1935 Hiawatha Atlantic and 5 passenger cars.  All MILW fans know the orange and maroon/red changed over the years and from batch to batch, but the lack of color film in 1935 makes it darn near impossible to find a color picture of clean 1935 equipment as painted   

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