Road Bridge - Backdrop Transition...
School holidays have finished, that means back into the layout again.
Today was spent working on installing the road bridge that will hide the backdrop to layout transition.
Busy weekend
I got all of my model stuff moved out of the closet and onto the shelves today. I also inventoried all my rolling stock, turnouts, and buildings. I had a pretty good idea in my head of I have, but it's nice to have it all formatted nicely and written down so I can see what's all there. Just need to do the same with tools and flex track, along with my rolling stock at my train club, and then I'll have everything inventoried. I'm ready to get the foam on the modules and start playing with track and building mock ups now!
April 2021 Update, Missouri Pacific Railroad Switching Layout
April 2021 update on my Missouri Pacific Switching Layout. Enjoy!
Taking a Tour of my Modular Club Layout
Follow along as I explore the Adirondack & Lake Champlain, a moveable, modular railroad based in Plattsburgh, NY.
For more info on the club, please visit:
Scratch build to the Completed Shell. Gas Station Convenience Store
Using “grout” on scale bricks for mortar?
Suggestions please. I have a small "tub" of a product that is applied to plastic brick to give the appearance of grout. Coming out of storage, it is a bit thick, but pliable, and I am in need of ideas to make it more liquid to apply. Of course, I no longer have the directions and there is no label. If I remember correctly, it is brushed on, dries and "wiped" with a Q-tip or cloth leaving the grout and coming off the brick.
Does anyone recognize this product? If you have instructions and ideas on saving this stuff, let me know. Thanks.
A Trip up Bingham Canyon.
Prototype history it was the railroad that made it all possible. A Trip up Bingham Canyon. We are going back in time looking for landmarks and iconic places that Bingham canyon was filled with. Bingham the town is gone now; the canyon is buried under tons of waste material.
Track plan update
I played around a bit tonight and I think I am pretty close to what the final plan will be. I think at this point I just need to mock up the structures and sit them and the track out on the modules to get everything finalized.
Original plan with lost of nice scenery etc added:
Revisions from tonight:
Not Dead, and New Modules!!
It's been quite a while since I've made any progress on the layout. It turns out that wedding planning takes up a ton of time in the later stages, even if you're not really doing the planning and are just going to meet people or pick up things with your fiancé lol Between that and the holidays, the layout was on the back burner for a while.
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