
My personal journey - Nov 9 update

I now have connection from JMRI to my 2 locos established. 

I can now control them independently from 2 throttles in JMRI ... Yippee

Movies from the FREMO Meeting at Mammendorf


it took some time but now I edited my video footage from the FREMO meeting at Mammendorf. Enjoy the movies


arbe's picture

A Naked Corner Fixed

I had an empty corner that didn't really add much to the layout scene.  Here is what I did to fix it.


DHfan73's picture

NCT Topical Index 2017

As my blog passed the year mark, I decided that it would be a good idea to create an index of my posts by topic for easy reference.

cv_acr's picture

Canadian National Custom Rolling Stock

Modeling a Canadian regional railway means a lot of connecting traffic from Canada's two major railways, Canadian Pacific and Canadian National.

This thread illustrates several examples of CN rolling stock, mostly custom paint jobs and some kit-bashes for service on my model railway.

DHfan73's picture

More Scenery Work

I got some more scenery work done last week. I also finally fixed the signal. You can read it below or here. I also hit the one year mark on my blog, North Country Trains, and you can read about that and see some more photos here.

cv_acr's picture

Canadian Pacific Custom Rolling Stock

Modeling a Canadian regional railway means a lot of connecting traffic from Canada's two major railways, Canadian Pacific and Canadian National.

This thread illustrates several examples of CP rolling stock, mostly custom paint jobs and some kit-bashes for service on my model railway.

Martin t's picture

Snap-shots from the video tutorial how to model a harbour from scratch

Hi! I´ve completed my harbour after 2 years of work. It was all documented in a video tutorial available on Youtube channel 'marklinofsweden'. Here´s a few snap-shots from the video:

My personal journey - Nov 7 update

Nov 7  - NCE Powercab

Got my NCE Powercab and am able to control the locos on my HO layout with the Powercab. yaay !!!

Next step, control using JMRI and the USB adaptor through the Powercab. This will open a lot of possibilities. 

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