
Middle School Model Railroad: section joint anatomy

The Maker Faire is over and I’m finally able to set up the sectional layout that my students have been building for the past few years in our classroom.

Joe Baker's picture

DOMTAR Pulp and Paper Mill - Rolling Stock

Christmas is fast approaching and I've begun to make progress on the track work for the layout so I figured it was time to look in detail at rolling stock purchases.

First item:

I need a few sodium chlorate cars but I'm having a hard time finding the right kind of 2 bay covered hoppers online.

Does anyone know of a manufacturer that produces 2 bay covered hoppers with sealed bays for sodium chlorate?

Martin t's picture

Layout tour of the Kalmar club KMJK layout

Watch the awesome layout tour of the Kalmar club KMJK layout!

The video was recorded during the 40 year anniversary celebration of the club. Most of the layout you see during this tour is new since the last move 12 years ago.


Backdating an Illinois Bay Window AMB Caboose with a 3D printed Cupola

The goal will be to turn this American Model Builders Illinois Terminal caboose kit shown below (photo from the AMB website)

into this caboose as shown below (photo courtesy of Dale Jenkins collection). 


DHfan73's picture

The Canadian Pacific Office Car Special

You can see it here and here, and watch a video here.

(I fixed the photo problem.)

My first module - Time for some trees

Time for greenery, starting with low shrubs.

Here is a detail view of the cutting over the tunnel.

And an overall view.



TimGarland's picture

Weekly Photo Fun 10/28-11/03

I think this was forgotten about this week. Here’s something from The Seaboard Central.  Post’em if you got them.




The Hills Line - I'm Not Dead Yet

A busier than expected fall is good for the finances, but bad for model railroading. In spite of this, I have been able to make some (minuscule) progress in constructing The Hills Line.

All the Ikea Ivar parts are now in place and painted, allowing for progress to begin on the actual railroad part of the railroad. If nothing else, taking the time to create a clean, warm, and inviting space always pays off in the end.

My first module - A new addition

A new addition to the roster from Canada courtesy of Rob Arsenault.

It's a beauty. Enjoy.


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