
Version 3 of the STS freight car forwarding software released

Version 3 of the Shipper-driven Traffic Simulator is now available and ready for downloading. Click here to view the STS introductory web page which provides an overview of the application and contains a link to the software and documentation files.

Carquinez MRR 2018 Scenery Update


IAISfan's picture

IAIS's West End - "Live" rolling stock patching

Wow!  I knew I'd been away a while, but just realized that it's been over 8 months since I started a new blog post here.  Time to correct that!
mikedeverell's picture

Sensors Part 4 Connecting Ardunio sensors to JMRI

Looking at Geoff Bunza Blog post ( ) here is video on connecting the Ardunio to JMRI. Setting up sensors in JMRI. 

Happpy Modeling


DHfan73's picture

Trackside Treks 3: West to Utica

You can watch #3 here.

Martin t's picture

Modelling realistic black spruce trees

Hi! I´ve now completed the video how I make my spruce trees. Working time: 20 min/ea. Video link below..
Here´s a photo of some trees made using this method. I hope this can be of use for my fellow-modellers. yes

Kit Cars on Display at Just Trains Shop Layout

Doing some shopping a modeler had his custom cars on display while he ran trains on the store layout.

I know little about these cars nor their prototype so this video is just a showcase of his work.

Big Horn Sub Track Plan

I thought that since I posted a question about the use of car cards and waybills that generated a lot of good information for me, it would be appropriate to post a track plan to help people visualize what I am sometimes not very good at explaining. 

Michael T.'s picture

No more "Mr. No Account"

I explained elsewhere in this blog where the "noah_count" screen moniker came from and how it just became automatic for me when I signed up for things so I won't go into it again. I never minded when folks made the honest mistake of calling me "Noah" because I know it could be confusing.

trainmaster247's picture

Small 11.75"x44" switching layout + switching lead

Only a base layer of scenery has been applied and it needs some cleanup but this is my most complete project to date. The two main structures were scratchbuilt and so was the team track area at the end. The yellow structure was a Branchline trains kit "painted" with colored pencils. More details to come in the next post.

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