Martin t

Hi! I´ve now completed the video how I make my spruce trees. Working time: 20 min/ea. Video link below..
Here´s a photo of some trees made using this method. I hope this can be of use for my fellow-modellers.


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Martin t

Advanced options...

The method in the video is optimized for production speed and quick result.

If you want to put more focus on realism, then please consider the following options:

1) Use the tapered end of the flower stick for the top sprout. Just flatten it enough to enable drilling.

2) Add 2 or even 3 layers of 6mm static grass before spray painting them.

3) Add a final layer of 1.2 - 2.0mm static grass over all, including the trunk.

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Thank you for posting this method

Very easy to follow video.



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Interesting method

Thank you for sharing your technique. I’ve always wanted to try the static grass method for coniferous trees. 

Thomas W. Gasior MMR

Modeling northern Minnesota iron ore line in HO.

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