Scenery - Structures
Project - Fertilizer Distributor Scratch Build
I needed a project and why not start on this small town rail served distributor for fertilizer.
I have never tried scratch building a complex structure and thought I would post my progress as a beginner over the next few months.
The plans are 1:1 scale and the model will be built in 1:48 scale. (It easier to let the software change the scale)
So let's see how it goes and if I finish it.
Scratchbuilding from plans with PDF part templates and assembly sketches
Scratchbuilding from plans with PDF part templates and assembly sketches
A Scratch sketch set is a collection of 3d drawings, step by step assembly sketches with directions and materials, some photos, and precise printable templates in N scale. These sets make it easy to do a scratch project of your choice. I have done 128 sketch sets and they are available to all for free.
These are almost kits, except that you must cut out parts. I use windows from various manufacturers including: Grandt Line, Tichy, and Rslaserkits.
The details are in the next post.
Show us your turntable pits.
Lately I have been working on the pit of my TT.
I have found various images of pits on the net and narrowed it down to one as a guide, but I'd like to see how other fellow members have weathered, graveled, stained, etc their pits.
Pigeon Point
At the south end of the Delaware River Extension in Wilmington is the car float apron at Pigeon Point. The P&R/RDG floated cars across the Delaware River to chemical plants in Carney's Point and Thompson's Point in New Jersey. To simulate this I have a fold down shelf to hold the car float when it is docked. I have been putting this off for some time trying to figure out how to build it. Finally came up with a plan. The float was made from .040 plastic sheet and will hold six 36 ft cars or eight 30 ft cars. Construction of the float apron and
Log - Its Big, Its Heavy, Its Wood - How to model ?
I am contemplating building a small logging railroad. What is available to model the cut logs ? I see plenty on articles on how to build tress. But how do you model them once they are cut down ?
Kevin Jones
On30, HO, Unfinished Basement, Lots of Wishful Thinking
Need Instructions To Various Kits
I am finding a few kits without Insstuctoins/Diagrams. If anyone happens to have them on hand who can scan them and attach them to an email and send them to kleaver AATT road runner DOTT ccoomm (road runner all one word) Thanks!
Ken L
List of Kits:
Kit #1: Campbell Scale Models Kit #351-200, Wood/Timber Tunnel Porta
Kit #2 Magnuson Models Kit #M-510 - The Fountain Brewery
Simple tool for massproduction of wooden planks
Hi! :) I´ve had such a tremendous positive response to this video, so I´m making a re-post.
A new tutorial on weathering is otherwise published later today. Stay tuned! (y)
A mountain for Masonville
Seeing as my son's bedroom layout is more fully functioning than mine, I figured it's time to test out/brush up my scenery skills. One of his frequent requests has been for a tunnel. I had acquired some 2" foam boards and Woodland Scenics foam tack glue for a now defunct 4x8, as well as some Chooch tunnel portals that were on clearance when the original Caboose Hobbies was closing out their inventory.
MTM: Abu Hayder | scale modeling in Iraq
Life isn't always what we want it to be, that is a fact world wide.
Cultures are often grouped into regional challenges, by outsiders trying to figure out what is going on.
But I would like to point out, that no matter what you have been told, People are not inherently evil. They are not unlike you. Sometimes, they are just like you. Trying to just get by.
Just set myself a long task - building fences!
I had a friend round the other day. He is an aviation artist and he has painted all of my back scenes (not installed yet). I was discussing with him what to do about the blank stretch between the last of my yard tracks and the edge.
I had mentioned that I had previously made a short length of fence at the back of a previous yard.
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