Scenery - Structures

2x4 Cafe?

A friend asked me the other day if I remembered an HO structure called the 2x4 Cafe (or maybe, Betty's 2x4 Cafe), and I seem to have some vague recollection along those lines, but a quick web search didn't turn up anything.

Anyone remember such a structure?

railandsail's picture

Santa Fe Train Station (actually a UP station in LA)

I have a strong preference for steam engines, but have collected lots of diesels as well. So lets say I will model that transition era were both were utilized. I am also not a strict time frame person that feels a need to model any particular era. I just like the looks of model trains, particularly the highly detailed ones that have come out over the past 15 years.

Building in paper and a new peeling paint discovery

I have discovered a new (at least to me) method for peeling paint. This is in N scale.

30th Street Station update

I've been working on some overdue updates to my S Scale model of Philly's 30th Street Station. I put in a concourse featuring a representation of the "Transportation" sculpture and a ticket purchase area. I also put in some LED lighting fed off of an Arduino.


Admiring the "Transportation" sculpture in the concourse.

Ron Pare's picture

Easy does it | York Industries pt 2 | Follow the Build

A big pet peeve of mine is to hear more about how easy and quick a model was built, rather than the enjoyment it produced. While not everyone is in this hobby for the therapy, some do indeed relax with the hobby. And if you do, do us all a favor and share it. We need to reign in this hobby from being an expensive competition to being a hobby for me, and you I guess.

An update on my HO mill project

I have recently had some inspiration on my mill diorama. I rebuilt the base and adapted a new loading area as well as hand laying the two lengths of track.

More pictures on my site

Derelict Factory

I have the Walthers, Cornerstone “Centennial Mills” kit.  A very popular kit, seen on many layouts. I would like to build and finish the kit as a derelict factory, but I need some help on techniques, as I am new to the hobby and have little modeling experience.  The three following images are examples of derelict factories.  The first two are a bit extreme, but for ideas.  The third is probably closer to what I would like the mill to look like.  Please show us your derelict factories and indicate the method, technique, tips, etc.

Scratchbuilt sides for turntable bridges

Has anyone made sides for their turntable's bridges from scratch?

I'm looking for ideas.


Turntable, Arduino and stepper based

Stepper Drive Turn Table

I have installed two turntables using the 28BYJ-48 stepper motor and driver board driven by an Arduino Pro-Mini. These are indexed with the old MK1 Eyeball. The Arduino sketch uses the accellstepper library file found here:

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