Layout design
At a crossroad
I currently have a fully functional N Scale switching layout that needs scenery and buildings. It is working great but I don't seem to be switching trains as much as I thought that I would be. It seems like each time I operate the layout, I complete the exact same moves.
Adios, Estrella & Sonora Grande!
As some of you who follow the On30 Line and Model Railroad Hobbyist discussion forums already know, I have decided to move on to another modeling challenge - after the end of 2014, the Estrella & Sonora Grande RR will be dismantled. Read more abouit this in my next post (to avoid wrapping a long entry on each page).
Superelevation for a branch line (cheap and easy method)
I needed to find a simple way to super elevate the curves on my small branch line to a scale 3 inches. Yes, that’s right, only 3 scale inches!
After researching several different options (some quite involved), I decided using poster board might be a good option. So, off to my trusty local Hobby Lobby to investigate.
Verne Niner's San Lorenzo comes to Thunder Mesa
I am very pleased to announce that Verne Niner's Gazzette Award winning San Lorenzo diorama will be incorporated into the Thunder Mesa Mining Co. layout when Verne dismantles his On30 layout at the first of next year.
A whole new track plan and all the news on the diorama on the TMMC site today.
3rd PlanIt Demo
Help! I just installed the 64 bit demo version of 3rd PlanIt (ver 10) and there are no libraries on my computer. Is this a limitation of the demo version, or did the install fail? Any help is appreciated. Thanx.
Decisions! Decisions - Which Plan?
In one of my recent posts ( ) I shared a track plan I was working on for a new layout I'm hoping to build after I finish tearing my current layout down. Many readers gave helpful suggestions that made the track plan much better than I had originally designed. Since then I've made a few minor tweaks, but nothing real significant.
LAJ in HO... beginnings
Going to play around with this blogging thingie... so, hi :)
Took the first step of constructing the Los Angeles Junction in HO. If it looks like a Free-mo module it is (or was - its being re-purposed).
New track plan, need suggestions...
The track plan for the new project is attached, would appreciate any suggestions for structures, scenes, etc. It's David Meek's basic idea with the existing 2X8 ft section of the old layout added to it...
New project: A free-lanced D&RGW branch line in HOn3
Guys, I am planning for my next modeling project, an HOn3 layout depicting a free-lanced D&RGW branch line located in Colorado. I have a small space (EDIT: 8.5' x 9' spare room) and want to build a modular layout that can be disconnected and moved when necessary. The equipment I will be running requires a minimum radius of 18", but I want to try to keep it to 24" wherever possible...meaning around-the-room may be a better design for my space. Anybody tackle a similar project who can share their suggestions and thoughts?
N Scale Pagosa & Southern Progress
Once I decided to expand my On30 Thunder Mesa layout, I was faced with the problem of what to do with the 30" x 60" N scale Pagosa & Southern that stood in the path of 1:48 scale progress. Moving it lock, stock and barrel to another location wasn't an option, so I concluded to redesign and rebuild the layout as a 12" x 72" switching operation on a shelf. This is one of the many times I've been glad that I used Kato Unitrack.
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