Locos and rolling stock

aileron44's picture

Sound Decoder Install

I own several Atlas S1/S2 switchers and I'm gathering information about installing a decoders/sound decoders in them.  I've found some information on-line but much of it is sketchy and seems a bit out-dated.

Soundtraxx recommends using their AT-1000 sound decoder.  However, this is an RTR decoder and all installs I've read about so far use wired decoders and a RTR decoder seems like it wouldn't fit.

Bremner's picture

Kato announces 22 year old loco

I think that it's cool to have the Kato GP38 back, but I wish it was an updated GP50


GN.2-6-8-0's picture

Mild kitbash of the new Bachmann 2-6-6-2

Not being satsified with the look just decaling the new Bachmann 2-6-6-2 to represent a SP MM3 articulated I decided to go a step further by replacing the air compressor heavy smokebox front with one better representing the class MM3 of which there were 2 originally running on the Verde Tunnel & Smelter line near Jerome Az.

Modelling the Santa Fe "Super Chief" and other Santa Fe Trains Prior to 1971.

I am looking at modelling Santa Fe's Super Chief and other SF passenger trains between the late 1950's and 1971. Could anyone tell me how many full length Dome Liner cars  would have been in service on any one train. Bachmann have a reasonable model of this style of car.

Antrox's picture

To choose a caboose for a Athearn BigBoy UP N scale

Hi everyone!

I'm looking for a caboose to form a train with a BigBoy in N scale. I've looked for some UP caboose but i've not found a lot, only an Athearn caboose but it's hard to find in online stores.

Wich caboose do you recommend me?

Best wishes!!

Where can I find a Custom Class Decal?

Anyone know if and where I can get a Custom class decal?




Hi all,

         Doing a few projects for a friend.One is an undecorated 0-6-0 Proto 2000 loco.Should I still airbrush on a coat of gloss cote before applying the decals??Or is the 'bare' plactic enough?


Thanks for any help,Dr Dirt.

Painting Brass - What Primer?

What type of primer should I use to paint a brass caboose? I have heard that the only one to use is zinc chromate. However, I have also heard that, if one etches the brass prior to painting by soaking overnight in white vinegar, then pretty well any good primer will work, acrylic or solvent based. Any thoughts or suggestions?


Accucraft AMS On3 C-16 Reviews and comments

I am interested in purchasing a Accucraft AMS On3 C-16.  I have never read any reviews on this manufactures products and would like to get somee feed back on the product line, specifically the On3 C-16.

Comments would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks,  David Karkoski



skiloff's picture

Cleaning gears

 OK, I'm retro-fitting an older Kato N scale diesel with a sound decoder and I got everything pulled apart to mill the frame for the decoder and speaker, but I noticed build up of crud and perhaps some stray shards of plastic or metal or something in the gears.  Wondering what the best method to clean this up would be as this whole taking the loco apart thing is all new to me.  Thanks in advance.

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