Locos and rolling stock

magnets on rubber brake hoses

This follows an earlier thread on increasing operating realism on switching layouts with a small inventory of rolling stock.

Has anyone contemplated the addition of micromagnets to the end of rubber brake lines on rollingstock so that they can be connected and disconnected realistically?

It would mean that each car could only be connected in one direction but this would not be significant on a layout without a turnback loop.

Geared's picture


Well, my day was going great and it got even better when I got home and found that my CP script C630M had arrived. After carefully opening the parcel things went south pretty fast though.

Bluesssman's picture

Locomotive dates?

I really enjoyed the article by Jack Burgess about being very specific with picking a date to model. 

Is there a good reference for learning what years different locomotives would correctly be running?



Onboard coupler clank sounds from freight cars

Hello all

Is there any products out there that would allow for coupler clank sound effects to be generated from within a freight car automatically?

kleaverjr's picture

For those who are looking for Athearn "Blue Box" Kits...

...I must have seen hundreds and hundreds, maybe close to a thousand of them for sale at a local Train Show I just attended on Sunday, November 13 in Batavia NY. 

And what I also noticed is VERY FEW were selling, in comparison to the other "more expensive" kits like Intermountain, Proto-2000, and the "Ready to Roll" cars. 


Ken L.

RussR's picture

F7 - When should i run a B unit?

okay, so i've got 8 passenger coaches behind a passenger F7A - when should i be running a B unit? is it prototypical to run it on such a small train? will it help when pulling the train or make it more difficult?

thanks in advance

JRG1951's picture

Cheap locomotive options

The cost of model locomotives has doubled and in many cases tripled in the last 5 years. This topic will be for a forum to review low cost units that may be used as a beginners  model, or by experienced modelers as a base engine to modify.  Models reviewed in this topic should be limited in cost to $100.00 or less.

The new Bachmann F7A locomotive will be the first to be reviewed.

kirkifer's picture

Modern Boxcar Customers

I am sitting here thinking about operations and trying to develop a list of industries that utilize boxcars. Below are some of the ones I can think about but certainly there are others. For example, do boxcars still get loaded at someplace that might make plastic trash cans or televisions and then moved to a big box distribution center or is this all done by truck now? So, this list should include industries served by boxcars in the timeframe of the late 1990s forward.

Here is what I have:

Lumber yards (specialty or trim lumber)

Steam Engine Painting Question

I am getting ready to put together a Roundhouse 0-6-0 steam engine kit.  The instructions said to paint everything before putting it together.  I have two questions.

1.  What is the best color of engine black to use to represent a heavily abused 0-6-0 yard switching engine.

2.  What is the best technique of painting metal parts?  Should I go ahead and paint the side rods and wheels and everything as well before putting it together?  I am going to replace the motor with a can motor and a gear box from NWSL.


This is my first post in a long time so please bear with me. I am building some of the "vintage" Rail Line HOn3 kits that were purchased at a swap meet. The owner of these kits wants the models to represent units that are rarely modeled such as the Union Pacific Denver & Gulf and the Colorado Central. The problem is that I am having some difficulty locating decal or dry transfer lettering sets for these units. There are two 30 ft reefer cars and two 30 ft box cars for each of these lines. Perhaps some of you know a reclusive vendor for such items? Thank you.

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