Locos and rolling stock

Scratched LINDE cryo tanker


Guys, I posted photos of my latest project. It hauled Argon at 370 degs. The reason I did the car was Jim Abbott at Highball Graphics came out with a great set of decals.


Regards, Bobby

Ontario Eastern's picture

Trading of engine decal sheets

Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone was interested in trading decal sheets for engines?  I run a free lance layout, and I have spoken with Kevin at Washington Northern Railroad already about trading a set of engine decals, but I am wondering if there are a few more out that that might be interested?  I need to know how many more that would want a trade before I get them printed...



Questions on types of carloads

I've chosen a few unique industries to model on my present-day layout and was looking for some information as to what loads are setout at each of them.  I have a general idea of what is required in the manufacturing/transportation of each but I was unable to find information on how a railroad would service these modern industries.

N scale Bachmann 70 tonner - rough running, lurching

Hi all,

Been lurking here for a while but haven't posted much.

I recently bought a Bachmann 70 tonner as they got great reviews.

Initially the little engine ran fine but after about an hours use it became a bit lurchy and unwilling to run smoothly. Out of the box it comes with the very basic Bachmann decoder installed that does not allow you to program much more then vstart, and acc, dec and some basic lighting functions.

DCSnr's picture

ATSF GP 35 SD 45 Detailing

I have been in another part of our Hobby for quite a while and have lost touch with HO suppliers etc.

If anyone has detailed a ATSF GP 35 and SD 45 could you give me a little guidance with what details I need and where I can get them.




Mammut LoCO

Hello, i am a austrian model trains lover, and i would like to know, if the Mammut Loco (Mammut Lok in Austrian) is well known in USA and UK?

Painting Locos and Cars

I'm curious to know if anyone has ever removed paint from one of the Proto 2000 E series locomotives and what advice they may share with me.  Thanks.

Athearn RDC

I wanted one RDC for my layout and I bought a Athearn at a swap meet real cheap. It was brand new in the box.

I'm sure I will need new rubber bands but has anyone repowered or regeared these? Does anyone have any experience with the Ernst kits for these? Can you still get them? It seems they are backordered everywhere.

Any ideas or info would be appreciated.  Thanks MARK

Michael T.'s picture

Generic equivalent to "boxcar red"??

Anyone ever experimented and found one?  I have some Tichy boxcar kits that I will be lettering for my own road and also some for the Gorre and Daphetid.  I know I can order some Polly Scale boxcar red for my airbrush or maybe a rattle can of Floquil and I may do just that. However, I'm on a tight budget right now and  it occurs to me that since I'll be decorating the cars for freelance fictitous roads that if I can find something close enough down at the local Wally World, I could save a few bucks, especially when I start getting more cars.

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