Locos and rolling stock

Tool question for snipping wire grab irons

Hi. I'm super detailing my first locomotive. I'm installing wire grab irons. Can anybody reccommend a tool to snip off the excess wire (protruding into the shell).  The tools I have are either too big or too short to reach. Thanks in advance. Bobby

Mycroft's picture

help - searching for specific rolling stock

Searching for rolling stock - helpOk, I have done some research and have decided I need to add the following to my rolling stock:

1-3: Athearn WV Caboose Illinois Central (not GULF)

1: Athearn 40' Stake flat car Illinois Central (not GULF)

DKRickman's picture

Reviving a dead engine, plus an apology to MRC

This is the story of an Atlas S1 which was presumed dead, but which has been brought back to life.

Mycroft's picture

color opinions wanted

So, TO DO list:

1. 2 photos for magazine articles - scheduled for Feb 9 - it isn't Feb 9 yet

2. Finish Flat car(s) - repairs complete! on to the next step.

3. 3 flexivans to add grab irons - When did I get old? I can't see where to put them! HELP!

4. 9 units to apply names to. - They aren't all back from the painting yet

Nelsonb111563's picture

Repowering older Atlas locomotive with Roco drive. Suggestions?

I have an Atlas/Roco GP 38 high nose that is in need of repower.  Motor has a bad winding on the armature so it has almost no pulling power.  Question is, what would be a good replacement motor that could be had for a budget project.  This is a regular locomotive on my roster and I'm thinking of "shopping" it for a full overhaul. Should I just cannibalize another locomotive for another motor, or is there something a bit more modern of a motor i could use?


Loco Identification

I was given a locomotive from a friend and was told that it is roughly 40 years old. After some cleaning up, it runs like a champ. I am trying to identify the make and model of the loco (the "real" manufacturer and model), and possibly the maker of the train (HO gauge). The only identifying stamping is on the fuel tank cover and it says "Made in Yugoslavia". I'm sure that someone will immediately recognize the locomotive, but I have been looking at various photos and have come up empty.

Thanks, Rich

Michael T.'s picture


Late last night while trying to work out an issue with a turnout, I knocked my HO Bachmann Mogul to the floor from the five foot height of the benchwork. The result is not pretty. Damage to the loco and the tender shell.  I have not looked at an exploded parts diagram yet to try and ascertain if I can replace all the damaged parts but this one may be a total loss......sigh....Really did a number on it.


Are there any HO Forneys or Vertical boiler locomotives out there?

I would love to have either a Class A Climax and/or a Forney running around on my layout, in either HO or HOn30.  Am I going to have to scratch-build them, (after I do Atlantic Shore Lines #100) or is there a source somewhere?

If there is, then is there a good place to find them?



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