Locos and rolling stock

Freight Car Wheel Size?

I know there have been quite a number of threads about this topic. There even was a detailed answer in the Question - Answers -Tips section of MRH's May 2012 issue.

The same topic came up again in 2015 and at that time one question went unanswered:

Quote of kjd of Tue, 2015-10-06 05:34: Another example, QTTX 130553 has a gross weight of 526k (263 ton) but has 33" wheels, 8 wheelsets in four 70ton trucks. 

Patrick_'s picture

Stanchions for Mp15ac

I've been creepin around trying to find some aftermarket stanchions for my Ho scale Mp15ac. I haven't been able to find any. I saw some for a sw1500 but not sure if that would work.  

Any info is always appreciated 

thanks guys✌️

Kato N scale lighting kit

Does anyone have any experience with Kato N scale passenger light kits? I've installed the kits on 3 passenger cars 3 different ways. 1 - filter with light bar installed; 2 - filter only; 3 - no filter and no light bar. They all look the same to me. They appear as white interior lights. The main issue is that the lights only illuminate half the car. Has anyone else had this issue? Just wondering if this is the way it's suppose to look.


Bernd's picture

High Tech Tool for Scratchbuilding in Brass

In building a TT scale caboose in brass I needed to scribe boards. The Sherline CNC mill was the answer. I also had to make a tool holder for the scriber.

The tool is a carbide scriber replacement end. It's very sharp. The scriber end is Loctited into a brass piece that has a hole in the other end to hold the spring. The whole assembly goes into the holder and that gets fastened into the mill spindle.

emillerz's picture

Bachman S4 Doesn't Run Well After Repainting - Any Ideas?

I purchased a Bachman Alco S4 Sound Value a few weeks ago. On the day it arrived, I gave it a thorough test, including  how many cars it could pull up the 1% grade near where it will work. It ran beautifully! I had no issues at all, even on all the switches that I ran it through. I thought to myself, "good thing I wasn't planning to add a CurrentKeeper in this because it doesn't need it!"

mikehill_nz's picture

Rolling Stock where to find out what has run on the prototype

I model Santa fe BNSF per merger and a little into it. is there a searchable database where you can find out what engines and freight cars were run over the line i am modeling. 

OR is this something i should start to put together the Wikipedia of freight cars and where and who used them :)

This came up as i saw some awesome coal hoppers at the right price but was unsure if they ran on the BNSF.

MikeM's picture

Loksound Select for Steam? Where?

The current issue of MRH has an ad from Loksound stating that Full Throttle is available for steam now but the link from the magazine led me to a spot that only talked about diesel; am I missing something?

Athearn NKP PA1 blue paint for trucks ??

Hello, have a older  pair of Athearn PA1's in NKP colors. What brand + color blue would you use for the METAL trucks ?? Thanks  PK

Short in engine?

I am trying to put a decoder in an Athearn RTR S 3.   It is very tight and I am afraid that in trying to get the shell down over the engine I have caused a short somehow.  Here's what has happened.  I have installed 2 decoders -- one Digitrax and Tsunami.  After installing the decoder, when I put the engine on the track and apply power 2 things have happened.  With the digitrax there was a "ptz" sound that I associate with a short.  Digitrax confirmed I shorted their decoder.

marjac99's picture

color question

Hi @ all,

I've a color question:

which color should I use for the orange color of the CSX MoW locos?

Your opinion please!

Thanks and regards


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