What's New at the Railroad Hobby Show

jeffshultz's picture

Okay, this is going to be cell phone photos at first, and DSLR shots later tonight. 

Update: someone asked that I explain where the Railroad Hobby Show is. Indeed, up until a few years ago, I had no idea what people were talking about when they mentioned "the Springfield show."

The Railroad Hobby Show is put on by the Amherst Railway Society at the Eastern States Exposition Center (Big E) in West Springfield, Massachusetts in late January or early February. Thus it is known as "The Railroad Hobby Show," "The Big E show," "The Amherst Show," or "The Springfield Show."


Thank You

Jeff, Thank yiu for such great coverage of the show. I’m looking forward to see what other surprises you will be showing us.

Lou in Idaho

PS- Hope you recover quickly from the jet-lag.

Warflight's picture


Is there anything "wow' worthy that's pre-1900? I saw the Bachmann water car, but it's the same thing they have been making since the 1970s, which I have a bunch of (and rarely use, because of those damned chunky grab irons, and weird tank shape)

Don't get me wrong... they are still cool, and if it weren't for B.T.S. I'd be using them.

railandsail's picture

Prices !


If anyone had told me I'd be posting 30 photos of InterMountain, I'd have told them they were crazy. InterMountain never brings that much new stuff.

InterMountain brought that much new stuff.

Wow, I had not realized that frieght cars had gotten that pricey,...$27-$47 each. And they don't appear to be that good.

Makes the $26 price on the Broadway tank cars seem pretty reasonable.

Makes me glad I got a lot of my cars quite awhile back.

BTW, thanks for your coverage Jeff.


Was there anything new in the way of steam locomotives?  I grew up with steam--Edaville, Conway, the White Mountain Central--and would love to see some new steam locomotives.

jeffshultz's picture

Steam and other "old" stuff

I think the only steam was the Rapido announcements, which are on paper only. 

One of these days I hope someone will teach BLI how to lay out their display properly (they had the room) to point out what is actually new as opposed to what is simply available. 

As for older cars, if you are into On3/30, you'll like the San Juan Models post. 

Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.

Jeff Shultz - My blog index
MRH Technical Assistant


jimfitch's picture

Wow, I had not realized that

Wow, I had not realized that frieght cars had gotten that pricey,...$27-$47 each. And they don't appear to be that good.

It depends.  Keep in mind some of the models displayed at the beginning are formerly E&C/LBF models which were of low detail and part of the "Value" line.  If you look at E&C/LBF, that's what the were before IMRC aquired the tooling/molds.  I don't know what improvements or upgrades have been made to the models, but expect they re baiscally the same molded on detail models but with better paint jobs.

Most of the traditional Intermountain freight cars are pretty nice IMO and have a lot of separately applied details, grab irons and ladders etc. although not wire parts.

I have a bunch of the drop bottom GS gondolas which are very nice, R-70-15 and -20 mechancial reefers and also 40' PFE ice reefers.   I also like their box cars which nicely cover a range of 1940's through 1980's.

They are pretty good.  At one times they would have been considered "top shelf" but Tangent and Moloco have taken on that title but they are still pretty nice.  Street/discount prices I pay for most of those items is around $30 give or take.

Makes the $26 price on the Broadway tank cars seem pretty reasonable.

Makes me glad I got a lot of my cars quite awhile back.

I've been told the price for the 4 pack of 6,000 gallon BLI tank cars is $139 and if someone is willing to break up a 4 pack and let you buy a single, $35.  Don't know what kind of street price they might be.

Anything you buy today would probably make you glad you bought a lot of models before the prices went up.  But on the other hand. we didn't have the likes of Moloco and Tangent either, which are wonderful gorgeous models.  As always YMMV.



Jim Fitch
northern VA


Graham Line's picture

IM GS etc.

The excellent reefers and gons mentioned were created over at Red Caboose, which was absorbed by IM after Bill McClung stepped away. Some of the 40-foot boxes were also designed by RC.

jeffshultz's picture

I just spammed a bunch of comments

The electrical digression in the middle of this topic has been marked as spam to remove it from sight. 

Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.

Jeff Shultz - My blog index
MRH Technical Assistant


Wow..... the Narrow gauge

Wow..... the Narrow gauge modeler was left out.

Graham Line's picture


They tend to save their announcements for the National Narrow Gauge Convention.

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