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What's New at the Railroad Hobby Show

Sat, 2019-01-26 08:48 — jeffshultz
Okay, this is going to be cell phone photos at first, and DSLR shots later tonight.
Update: someone asked that I explain where the Railroad Hobby Show is. Indeed, up until a few years ago, I had no idea what people were talking about when they mentioned "the Springfield show."
The Railroad Hobby Show is put on by the Amherst Railway Society at the Eastern States Exposition Center (Big E) in West Springfield, Massachusetts in late January or early February. Thus it is known as "The Railroad Hobby Show," "The Big E show," "The Amherst Show," or "The Springfield Show."
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ok...you win
So, if you want to pretend that I'm so no skilled oaf, go ahead. You win.
Fake Model Railroader, subpar at best.
Providing no usable information or value to this or any conversation.
Can not spell, has limited writing skills and failed reading comprehension.
Most post contain a great deal of snark, A true indication off no education and well below average intelligence.
And not to mention the long standing siggy which also smacks of trolling.
AZ nice digital renderings.
Since we're deep in the weeds over some interior kits I'll toss my thoughts in too.
I do a boatload of digital manipulation of photos to model the buildings for my layout. It is pretty easy to knock out a two dimensional facade that looks OK. It takes maybe ten times the amount of effort to make it look excellent. Three dimensional spaces add an additional boatload of thought to get things to look plausible.
Color, especially in coordination with other elements takes some thought. This isn't something that comes together quickly.....takes trial and error and a good eye to pull it off.
OK is OK. Really good is a lot harder than OK.
The Gilmor Hotel is way beyond OK. It is a fine example of the thought it takes to really add that extra depth and beauty to a fine miniature model. I really liked it at first glance. Always a good test.
OK Az, the game's afoot. Let's see one of those beautiful (and I mean BEAUTIFUL) renderings adapted and installed in an HO model.
I'm working on a Mexican auto repair shop right now.....not sure I'm crazy enough to open the doors and take on the insides though!
BTW why do these things get so adversarial ? Thought we were here to have some fun and share ideas.
I just prefer to I play all
I just prefer to I play all my skills very close to the vest. Let the experts play experts.
This set is not mine. Have not done 3D Modeling for video games in many many years (20 to 25 years). But in today's world 3D game textures are all over the place, a dime a dozen and like those above they are just outstanding quality. I only had to deal with VGA 640x480 and 480i.
But the game was to find on google. So that is what i did granted this is a 3D render on a 2D plane. You just need to get the 3 walls, Then a floor texture. Do a simple Keystone perspective on the two opposite walls to give it depth or leave it as a true cube your choice.
At one point I stood in a 7-11 taking digital photos with a state of the art Kodak DC215 Zoom Digital Camera, Took photos of all the walls and shelves to turn into a video game model. My cell phone now takes better pictures...
Fake Model Railroader, subpar at best.
Providing no usable information or value to this or any conversation.
Can not spell, has limited writing skills and failed reading comprehension.
Most post contain a great deal of snark, A true indication off no education and well below average intelligence.
And not to mention the long standing siggy which also smacks of trolling.
Apples and oranges
Edit: (I was writing this post as you were submitting the one above)
AzBaja, you've posted 2D images on one plane with some perspective. You can place those in a building but the perspective will only hold up from one particular angle. Once you change the viewing position the illusion falls apart.
Show us one for a transition-era structure. While you're at it, please add a window opening to match the location of the window in the model building. Also, make sure that the lighting on the elements in the scene is consistent with the LED lighting. We'll wait.
Clearly not the same thing. I wouldn't pay 20 bucks for that either. Actually, City Classics makes a similar product for six bucks and it's a very economical alternative for buildings that are three feet back where perspective isn't as much of an issue. But it's apples and oranges.
And again, you're using time, tools and skills that many people in the hobby don't necessarily have, which was my original point.
Maybe think about it this way: Good, cheap, fast. Pick any two.
Barry Silverthorn
It's worth the cost to me... though, it's simply not my era... but man, if you did some old west interiors... (though, I already have a 3D interior for my saloon... hmmm... but nothing for the, as yet to be built, blacksmith's shop... it's a Plasticville, because I want to build a scene with a Delorean, and Plasticville is the closest I can get to Doc Brown's blacksmith shop)
Totally worth it
Run like a dream is totally worth it, anyone who thinks otherwise is depriving themselves of a great resource.
If I had the sort of layout with buildings where interiors like these would fit in (I won’t - industrial park), I’d buy a couple even though I’m not the sort of person who particularly cares about interiors or night scenes. They look nice. Sure, I could probably make them myself with a lot of effort, but as Barry said quite well above - good, cheap, fast, pick two. I have a good job and not a lot of spare time, I pick good and fast.
AzBaja - you’re out of line here. Wether it’s worth it is up to the purchaser.
If it’s as quick and easy as you claim, post a photo of a building you added a 3D interior to yourself. I assume the you haven’t actually done it, since you haven’t posted any photos. Belittling someone else’s product with claims based on your modeling skills, and then saying ...
that smacks very strongly of just plain trolling. Not to mention, of course, that you’re playing an expert with your posts on this subject.
My blog: http://rices-rails.blogspot.com/
My MRH blog: https://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/43422
Be patient, I might have something for you. However it could be awhile before I get to it. Let's hope we both live long enough.
Barry Silverthorn
that smacks very strongly of
And not to mention the long standing siggy which also smacks of trolling.
Jim Fitch
northern VA
Got sucked in again
I'm just going to make one more effort to close the gap here. First, those look really good in 2D, but as has been pointed out, making them look good in 3D from different angles in a 3D environment (ie. including 3D furniture, vehicles, etc.) is not an easy task, then fit them around existing windows and doors so they look like they belong is far more work than grabbing one of those images and printing them out. I can do what you did and slap them on a window and call it good, but that isn't good enough for what I want. I want people, lights and activity, real 3D dimensions. And you cover that by saying:
Which is EXACTLY the point we're making. You can suggest it is simple, but it absolutely IS time consuming to do that and many of us don't have the skills to do it. 30 minutes to find that image you show, scale it to the building, fit it around windows and doors, add a floor texture, align the walls and do a "simple" Keystone perspective (which isn't so simple when you are working with a specific size that you show but your room is actually a scale 10 feet or more wider or deeper). I have no doubt you can do some nice looking finishes that I would be satisfied with for my buildings, but what you show is not. There is still a lot more work involved and more time than 30 minutes, much more.
But here is the real kicker:
First, nobody said you don't have the skills and nobody called you an oaf. That is all on you and your typical "everybody hates me" attitude. All anyone was calling you out on was your comment that $20 was ridiculous for something you could slap together in 30 minutes. I challenged you to do so, but all you got was a 3D image on a 2D plane and an explanation of how to do the rest, but not a completed product in under 30 minutes.
So you won't put your "skills" out there for anyone else to criticize, but you are the first guy to be critical of anything you see of anyone else. I think I'll just let that speak for itself. And I am done now.
Building a TOMA HO Scale '70s/80s era
I do not understand this. Is
I do not understand this.
Is it not understood that money and time are interchangeable things?
You know what, Yeah, I could figure out how to make these roomettes myself. It's all possible.
But you know what? I'd rather eat all my Model trains with a nice Chianti than do it. So, $20 for someone else to do it? Sounds really good to me.
So AZ, it really just doesn't matter AT ALL that you could easily do it, because I personally just don't want to do it at any level of difficulty. I'll gladly trade this money for time spent elsewhere.
Why are people ANGRY that a product exists?