The index:

The 2023 Texas Express NMRA Convention:
The 2023 PNR Regional Convention, Prairie Line Experience
The 2022 NMRA National Convention, Gateway 2022

2022 PNR Regional Convention, Making Tracks to Eugene 
2019 NMRA National Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah
2018 NMRA National Convention, Kansas City, Missouri
2017 NMRA National Convention,  Orlando, Florida
2015 NMRA National Convention, Portland, OR
2014 NMRA National Convention, Cleveland, OH
2012 NMRA National Convention, Grand Rapids, MI
2011 NMRA National Train Show, Sacramento, CA
2010 NMRA National Convention, Milwaukee. WI
2008 NMRA National Convention, Anaheim, CA 

Jeff Shultz - MRH Technical Assistant
DCC Features Matrix        My blog index
Superintendent, 2nd Division PNR, NMRA
Northwest Oregon/Southwest Washington

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Neil Erickson NeilEr


Not sure if this is a better question for Joe but I’m curious if this is necessary; can it be done after the migration; and am I creating an index of my blogs for me or so others? Oddly I don’t look back on my posts unless there is a question or update. 


MRH: If you do this after the migration, you will have to do it by hand because the index auto-gen tool is not available on the new site.

When you use the tool, it's whatever blog's user id you enter, so it can be for yourself or for anyone else, but one blog at a time:

Once the tool gives you the list, you need to copy it, start a new blog entry, and paste it in, labeling it with some name that tells us it's your blog index, and then save it.

If you don't make this index, then on the new site, your blog no longer acts like a collection of journal entries, it just becomes another bunch of random unconnected forum threads. If that doesn't matter to you, then no worries.

But if you prefer the blog central index like you get here, then you need to do this before we move for real.

Neil Erickson, Hawai’i 

My Blogs

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What the index does is replace the "My Blog" listing you can get here. So it's for others, but also for you, even if you don't often go back in history.

You should be able to create the index up to the moment we shut this forum down to copy it over to the new forum.

It's not a necessity, but it can be viewed as a convenience.

Jeff Shultz - MRH Technical Assistant
DCC Features Matrix        My blog index
Superintendent, 2nd Division PNR, NMRA
Northwest Oregon/Southwest Washington

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