NeilEr's blog

Raising Cane

Spend several hours trying to create an illusion of a cane field. After three separate sessions of frustration it has about 24" of sugar cane. There has to be a better way than planting a few stalks at a time and certainly end up looking more realistic. First my effort with some wet backdrop paint:

And a photo of some real sugar can fields for comparison:

Making my own modeling clay

I've been making my version of Scuptimold with a recipe I found online. 

1/2 cup White Flour

3/4 cup Elmer's Glueall (PVA glue)

2 tablespoons linseed oil

1 cup pre-mixed topping compound

1 roll tp

For those interested I make a little iPhone video for K&G's :


Classic Miniatures Hopper Kit

Frame construction. A lot of little pieces but straightforward really. The nbw's are at my limit of dexterity and eyesight. 

I called this Hopper con pana!


Logo Help (& Hawaii Railroad History + a little fiction)


I changed the title to better reflect my rambling fiction + history below (fictory?)

DCC Deadrail 0-4-2 Porter

Well I've been working on my livery of dead rail steam engines and Den (Morenci Southern) kind of prodded me to install a decoder and batteries in a Porter. Just looking at it seemed impossible so, of course, I had to try. 

Taking it apart involved some head scratching and eventually so dove in. It seems as though the whistle and a steam dome are lost among the sh$zza on my desk but below are some pictures of the progress. 

Thanks for looking and I always enjoy comments. Good, bad, or ugly. Must have thick skin ...


New town of Haleiwa


I've been moving along and started some basic scenery and inspired to put in some "water" using ideas from others on this forum.

PDC Storage boxes

Ordered some boxes from Bill for parts and got two different sizes. They arrived in a flat small package very quickly and in the last couple days finally got assembled. I didn't look at the directions but did a dry run before gluing the parts together. My work surface is an old set of architectural drawings, a bottle of white glue, some painters tape, and rubber bands. 



Saving A Roundhouse

The last remaining Hawaiian railway roundhouse may be demolished. The owner's want to sell the property and only see the nearly 100 year old building as a liability. What should be done? Should I put up a KickStarter program, seek a benefactor, or put together a partnership and buy it?

Module Challenge

I have been absorbed with the idea of creating a tall steel trestle similar to one very near my home. While the original was straight and designed for a standard guage line, mine will be 30" guage (1:48) and on a curve. Here is the inspiration that came from a panoramic shot:

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