Personal journal (editorial or commentary)
Distant Mountains with haze - painted background
Used Rust-Oleum Painter's Touch Ultra Cover 2x Spray Paint for clouds and mountains backgrounds. It is the armature & lazy way to do back drops. So be it, you get what you get.
More links below photos include the room construction. If you want to see how I started this or care.
BQR Control Panel Update
As with everything on a model railroad layout, after I thought I was finished I had an inspriation as to how to connect a second RRampMeter to the other booster. And had been working on the train elevator and came up with a way to integrate its control with the panel.
Layout videos
I have to ask something about layout tour videos you see online these days:
Why do almost all of them have a lengthy 'talking head' segment at the start of them?
There's a lot of this; someone who's modeling you might admire but will never make a living as a professional model (or public speaker) drones on and on at length about stuff you couldn't care less about?
Building in paper and a new peeling paint discovery
I have discovered a new (at least to me) method for peeling paint. This is in N scale.
3 Ranch Structures
Two models and one full-size
Modeling in the past week was limited by travel to a family obligation. While it was hopped that the trip would allow for attending Dave Meeks’ studio open house, I did not attend, nor even manage a visit to model-genic Jerome or the Verde Valley. Alas, another trip will have to be made specifically to visit.
Bottle Cap Speaker Enclosures for Latest Production Walthers Proto E8
I’d like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company. Well, at least the bottle cap from their plastic bottles. Beneath their boring exterior lurks a very respectable speaker enclosure waiting for its moment in the Sun. And it is free with the purchase of the Coke. Consider it as a 2 for 1.
My previous Proto E conversions were of the Life Like original design with the 5 pound metal weights. Of course, I am exaggerating as they were only 4.5 pounds. And as their design predated high capability DCC sound, there were no accommodations for speakers.
Jaxcilliest Enterprises - the ultra-mini hoist & dump layout
Hi all,
now for something totally different. So you don't have room for a model railroad?? Even a tiny one.. Yeah right....
Just suppose you apply the maximum "squeeze factor" to a mine type railroad. You might possibly end up with something like:
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