MRH website

MikeM's picture

Is there an easy way to print the contents of an entire blog/message thread?

There have been many threads on MRH I'd like to print off and file for later referance.  Is there a simple, relatively straightforward way to do this I've simply overlooked?  (Wouldn't be the first time...blush)

wp8thsub's picture

Missing Blog

I went looking for my blog on "Doin' the Desert, Scenery on the 8th Sub" to help with some answers to another forum member.  It seems to have been un-published or marked as spam.  Any chance it can be retrieved?

Whitenight158's picture

Garden State Model Railway 58th Annual Show Featuring Thomas and Friends

Garden State Model Railway 58th Annual Model Railroad Show

575 High Mountain Road ∙ North Haledon, New Jersey 07508 ∙

Featuring Thomas and Friends


GregW66's picture

Is it me?

I notice that when I click on the "new" post link that I am no longer brought to the individual new post, rather I am brought to the top of the page where the new post resides. Is this me or has the site changed in some way?

trainmaster247's picture

How to get the Member Bonus Downloads on a mobile device.

I was trying to get/look at some of the September downloads but it just opened a new blank tab. Is it possible to get them on a mobile device or no? and could we get some videos that work well with a Mac, I always have to open it with the VLC converter when on a computer.

Virginian and Lake Erie's picture

What happened to the controls I was using earlier for posting?

I used to have a series of boxes to choose from on top of the area I type in. Now the menu seems to be gone and the text is different. How do I get that stuff back or did the website just change?

New Scale Working Figure Lines in N, HO and O scale(s)

New Scale Working Figure Series

New Working Figures Lines in N, HO and O scale..........includes Power Tools Series, Waterfront Series, Industrial Workers Series, Delivery Series, Sidewalk Series, Vehicle Drivers Series

_site_admin's picture

More comments per page - let us know how you like it

We just changed the default comments per page from 10 to 50.

Let us know how you like it (or not).

GN Cascade's picture

Durn Good Work - MRH

Joe & Community-

I have really enjoyed both MRH the magazine and the website. Thanks for the great articles. Also, for those of you that haven't "mined" the discussion forums and blog posts check it out! There are "lively," but respectful discussions which really delve deeply into topics - with a lot of illustrative pictures, as well. Probably double the quantity of Magazine info in the forums every month.

_site_admin's picture

Google custom site search now fully integrated

The Google custom site search for the MRH site has now been fully integrated into the site. You no longer will go off to a separate search form on Google - everything takes place on the MRH site now!

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