Layout design

Looking for ideas for a small 8x8

I have a side room on my basement that has a 8ft  x 7 ft 8 inches space to put a layout. 8 feet is the depth of this alcove, so slighty longer than 8 feet is possible, but there are walls on the 7'8" sides.

I currently have a 4x8 table setup with a double mainline, in work. Primary industry is a coal mine using some walthers kits, and set in Appalachia ~1980's (flexible). I have realized that once finished, I will not be satisfied with all the compromises a 4x8 has. 

Ron Pare's picture

My TOMA layout components

After seeing the details of the TOMA layout concept. I realized that I have always built in a TOMA style myself. On one hand my dioramas are static models and I agree with that. But my other larger modules are all TOMA candidates.


Start Small, THINK BIG - TOMA project layout series intro

In this new TrainMasters TV series, Miles Hale and friends build a project layout in the TrainMasters TV studio using the principles of The "One Module" Approach, also known as TOMA.  

In the first instalment, Model Railroad Hobbyist editor Joe Fugate explains the TOMA concept.   Whether we want it to or not, life changes.  And a modern layout plan needs to reflect that.  If you’re not in an ideal space at this point in your life, there’s no need to put off starting the railroad of your dreams.  

Building my first couple of modules

After a 25-year hiatus, I've been working on the first module for a while off and on over the last year.  I used SCARM to see how the plan would work, because I'm handlaying the track and don't have any pieces of track to use as a mockup.  After laying out the yard module in SCARM, I started building it out.  Figured out where I would locate it in the house, then worked out a potential track plan. 

Rich_S's picture


Does your new track plan posted in the Trackplan database include your KATO Portram track?

Something to keep me busy - A diorama

I have recently dismantled my home layout while I was moving to a new city. I have not yet determined how much I can spare for the new layout.

I can still run trains since I remain a club member on my former city, but I fell I need something to improve my modeling skills.

So I decided to build a diorama, a completely non-rail related one, and set in my country/region for a change. I plan to display the diorama at my workplace, so I will model a rural scene (I work for the state agriculture department).

mikedeverell's picture

CFR- How to setup a Double Slip Switch in JMRI

Just a short video on how to set up a double slip switch in JMRI hope this is helpful for those of you using JMRI



joef's picture

End of the line for Siskiyou Line 1 - more details

As you know if you read my January editorial, I've decided to dismantle my current Siskiyou Line layout and replace it with a new layout, also modeling the Siskiyou Line.

You can read the January 2017 MRH editorial to learn more background as to why.

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