Layout design
N Scale plan for review
Here is a prototype based plan for an industrial switching area around Wallula, Washington I am considering building. It's one of three plans under consideration for a 19 x 20 foot townhouse basement space. This one is pretty strongly influenced by the Finley industrial area, Boise Cascade paper mill at Wallula, and interchange between BNSF and UP in the area, plus the WATCO shortline that runs here and switches the paper mill.
Trackplan for the PPNL - Need some feedback
This is my first attempt at a track plan for my freelance Plainville, Pequabuck and New London Railroad. I am looking for some serious feedback regarding the plan. This an HO scale double-decked layout connected by a helix (upper right). The modeled area will represent the entire, fictional shortline with staging connections to represent "the rest of the world". I apologize for the green on the first rendition, just happened to be the color layer I was on at the time.
Looking for feedback on my N scale layout..
This is my fav Model Railroading site.. Hands Down! keep up the good work!
N/O Photocells for Train Detection
So the plan is to build a helix which may span two rooms: a non load bearing wall will be installed to separate the train room from the rest of the basement; however, to conserve ~10 sq. ft. of space, I've decided that about half the helix will lie within the train room while the other half will cross into the rest of the basement and be finished off (with viewing windows) to "blend in".
Track spacing in yards and mainline
Just beginning the design and build of a HO scale railroad layout. Some basic questions I do not see much discussion about.
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