MRH Troubleshooting

MRH email issue with HTC Surround Windows Phone

I'm not sure if I got this posted in the right place, but I'll try here.  Since joining MRH I have had one constant problem with the weekly newsletter on my HTC Surround Windows cell phone.  I get all my emails on my cell phone.  I have no problem reading emails except with the MRH weekly newletter.  Let me mention that I have no problem reading the MRH website on that cell phone.

Old school Diesel meets new electronics

 I have two Diesels that I have had since I was a Kid, and have had them stored until now, I have 3 grandsons and want to get them involved in trains as our area does no longer have a train.. here is my question .. I have a shark nosed model power 723 a powered CN, and a Bachmann emd F9 Diesel CP Rail. I was wondering if it was possible to fit them both with DCC with sound.. or are they too old for an upgrade.

Phoenix sound systems

I have installed a Phoenix sound system in my G scale shea. What I need to know is what type of cable to run from my computer to the port on the engine

Nelsonb111563's picture

Unable to program or reset a Digitrax decoder!

Just installed a Digitrax DN163 decoder in a Walthers GP-9m.  Before i put it all together, I tested it using the factory default settings.  Locomotive ran good fwd and rev.  Changed start voltage to a value of 25. Started to move at speed step 1.  NDOT was reversed.  Engine ran backward in FWD.  (wires are correctly installed)  Using Digitrax's decoder manual it says to program CV 29 to a value of 39 (4 digit address, analog operation,28/128 speed steps). Now the engine will not move at all in either direction.

MRH for Kindle

I just tried to download the January edition and load it on my Kindle Touch.  I downloaded the file to my computer (MRH12-01-Jan2012-ER.pdf) and transferred it via cable to my Kindle.  The file shows up on the Kindle, but when I try to launch it, I get a "Cannot Start Program" warning.


Will this file work with the Kindle Touch?  What am I doing wrong?



How do you embed code from youtube into a post?

Can someone tell me how exactly to imbed code from youtube into the body using the embeded media button? I cant get it to work. I tried pasting it in and it will not show up as a Youtube window. 


Driline's picture

Tapatalk for IPad?

I need a better way to correspond on the forums like adding quotes and such and find its real difficult using the safari web browser. Will Tapatalk enable me to quote, copy and paste easier on the forums?

LKandO's picture

Check link for Yankee Dabler banner add

YD banner ad link appears corrupted.

October 2011 issue not available in iTunes?

G'day folks - I can't seem to find the October issue in iTunes. I have downloaded it to my PC ... so have been reading it there ... but can't get it onto my iPhone (some technicality that I will sort out). Getting it through iTunes has always been so easy.

Any thoughts?

Problems reading the October Issue

I just purchased a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and have downloaded the embedded October issue on to it. I am using Adobe Reader 10.0.2 (I think I've got that correct). The problem I have is that the program seems to be some what unresponsive and displays improperly on some pages -- especially advertisements. For example on page 3, the faint outline of the spine car which I see when viewing the issue on my PC is quite dark on the Tab.

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