MRH Troubleshooting

DVD Download question--Mac users

This is probably a question better posted to a Mac forum, but my guess is others will have the same issue so I'm posting it here.

I just downloaded the Allagash DVD and I'm wondering how to re-assemble it.  Just like the Siskiyou Line DVDs, the downloads are by chapter.  I'd like to combine all the chapters back into a complete DVD in iTunes so that I can stream it to Apple TV, my iPad, etc.  As it is right now, in iTunes it looks like I have 20 movies, but in reality it's the 20 chapters from 2 MRH DVD downloads.

BLI U.P.Big Boy: extreme trouble with decoders.

I have the above loco with BLI sound decoder and replacement NCE N14IP motor decoder,following "Short".

I have replaced Engine PCB, Tether and BLI sound decoder.

I have motion but no sound,however when I take out the NCE N14IP I have sound.

I operate with Lenz 100 system.

Are you able to render any advice to rectify this problem I have seen on American Hobby distributors website that this is a common problem with this BLI decoder and a recommendation to purchase a "Powepax" to overcome it.

Noisy locomotive

My locomotives are making a high frequency whirring sound when idle. The problem seems to be in sections that are circuit protected. using nce powercab with dcc specialties psx breakers and tcs decoders installed. Running in dcc mode.
Anyone experience similar noisy locos?

JC Shall's picture

Adobe Reader X Problems

Several months ago I updated my Adobe Reader software to the latest version, now called Adobe Reader X (the version listed is 10.1.2).  I've had problems with the last couple issues of MRH (Feb and March) in that the viewer will experience errors typically when I'm about 1/2 to 3/4 of the way through the document.  Sometimes it will show a blank sheet, other times it will be a dark area (no sheet at all), and eventually it will simply lock up, and it has to be forcibly closed using Task Manager (in Windows XP).  I've also experienced this same problem viewing l

Matt Forcum's picture

Blog Post Disappearing?

Hey gang,

I've had another blog post disappear from the site.  It seemed to be up for a few hours and was getting views before it disappeared.  Is it being manually removed from the site?  Has anyone else had this happen to their blog posts as well?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



Matt Forcum's picture

Blog Post Disappearing?

Hey gang,

I've had another blog post disappear from the site.  It seemed to be up for a few hours and was getting views before it disappeared.  Is it being manually removed from the site?  Has anyone else had this happen to their blog posts as well?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



dfandrews's picture

Dallas Model Works site access

Wednesday evening - 2/28/12

Dallas Model Works site cannot be accessed.  A window pops up asking for name and password (no, it's not the membership login), after three tries, a 401 error window is up.

Anyone know what's up with the site?

Dwhitten's picture

Bachmann Spectrum

I have a couple of the older Bachmann Spectrum D8-40C's.  They only get used occasionally but when the engines are ran over the layout, the performance is less than satisfactory!  At first, I thought it was a dirty wheel issue.  After inspecting the wheels and track, I found that everything was spotless and nothing was binding in the drivetrain.  The motors and drivetrain sound smooth but the engines still run poorly, with al lot of jerking and stalling. 

Rio Grande Dan's picture

HELP HELP ADMIN or anyone I Can't Post with Firefox only IE

Hay Guys I have been out of the states for the past 6 weeks. Now that I'm back I did a system reload of my computers and reloaded everything including the Firefox Browser, when I try to post while using Firefox and I press the reply to post I get the subject line and just below it says comments but no comment box loads.????

Any body have a suggestion ???

herronp's picture


I just tried to download February issue to my girlfriends I-pad and when I logged in, the only issue available was January.  What's up with that?


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