Locos and rolling stock

Replace gear now or later in Proto 2000

I have a brand new proto-2000 which are famous for cracked wheel set gears. (My seller provided replacement gears.)  I need to put a decoder in it.  Based on your experience would you go ahead and replace the gears now on this new loco?

DougL's picture

Converted some brass locos to DCC

If you don't want to spend any effort and want a PRR steam loco that looks, runs, and sounds great, get the latest item from Broadway Limited. They are excellent.

If you must insist on brass and don't mind beating yourself up, try converting it to DCC.

HO Freight Cars made in Yugoslavia /

I have a couple of questions about HO Freight Cars made in Yugoslavia. 

What company had these made there?

How old are these HO Freight cars as it pertains to when they were irst made there and when the last ones were made?

Thank you,


Decoder recommendation for OLD Proto 2000 SD(

I'm think of converting my old Life Like Proto 2000 SD9s to DCC with sound. Is there a PNP decoder to fit? I'm thinking Econami because of the cost but am open to suggestions.



Wheelset Construction Questions

I searched for a previous posting and couldn't not find one so if this is a double somehow I apologize.

kirkifer's picture

making lead motor cradles

Does anyone know how the A-line or comparable motor cradles are made? In other words, is lead poured into a square and machined later or is there some kind of mold used? Anyway, I could do this at home? Unfortunately, I do not have a mill or a lathe.

DCC Sound System Question


I have a question regarding the different types of DCC sound systems out there.  I know there's Lok Sound, and Tsunami, and others, but I'm buried trying to make sense out of this.  

HOn3 4-6-0 build

I had some leftover drivers and a junk boiler from a MDC HOn3 2-8-0, so I decided to build them up into a 4-6-0.  First I designed and printed a chassis through Shapeways and test fit the boiler:


DougL's picture

How to match the greasy steel color of siderods?

How could I match the running gear greasy-steel color?

The wheels and frame could be dusty black, and I know some railroads painted the siderods. But - often the siderods and valve mechanism are unpainted steel wiped down with oil and grease.  Like this recent photo of a tourist line steam loco.  Not shiny, not just grey, sorta in between



shadowbeast's picture

Bachmann 0-6-0T motor

I have had a chassis for this loco for some time now, pending a possible On30 project. I just ordered a motor for it:


Can I wire this motor for DC, or will I have to venture into DCC?

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