Locos and rolling stock

trainmaster247's picture

Athearn BlueBox Impack Spine Car Sets+ Vaccum Formed Containers

I am wondering two things here with these cars they seem like fairly decent models for not such a bad price but was wondering experience both building and running them along with finding a large amount for a decent price maybe 5 or more for 50 dollars or less. I know ebay has some but they seem to be going for around 20 for one kit.

DougL's picture

Does anyone have 3D printed test stand rollers?

Does anyone have 3-D printed bases for roller test stands?

The only additional pieces would be small ball bearing rollers, very common in current yo-yos, and thin brass strips to connect the rollers to the powered track.


There are two problems to solve for test stands:

1. precisely spaced holes

2. power to the rollers

eliminate cogging

Have an 0-8-0 with sever cogging. What can be done to eliminate this problem?

Tom J.



green_elite_cab's picture

Warning Sticker Placement on ALCO RS11

I've been working on a Conrail RS11, specifically  7651.   I am trying to determine what the actual warning stickers are so I can apply the decals to my model before I go through to the next step of weathering and sealing it all in.

Examples of remotors using CD-Rom tray motors

Using CD-Rom tray drive stepper motors has been a popular low cost way to upgrade a locomotive's DC motor. The tray drive is usually some form of can motor. There are multiple form factors. usually a single ended drive


I'm looking for examples if people are willing to share. I have been pulling these motors out of various surplus CD-ROMs and I have 2 or 3 engines I want to try to fit them to, but would love to see what others have done. 

Warflight's picture

BL2 windows question...

So, I have a Proto 2000 undecorated BL2 that I plan to... well... decorate...

Anyway... my problem, is I haven't figured out the best way to remove the windows before painting.

The window is a single piece, that isn't cemented in, but it's in pretty tight... are there any tips, or secrets to this?

NS locos in NJ

Sadly, driving with no hands to spare for photo...

Saw NS locos in Manville NJ... White logo & horse on Black (all familiar)... lashed to Black logo & horse on silver-grey   Notably featuring "DC to AC" ... How would THAT work?  AFAIK, from the engine, the electrical setup is AC to the motors, or am I wrong (again)?


WANDRR's picture

MOW Box Car

I took this photo about 4 1/2 years ago (7/13) in Norfolk Southern's East Wayne Yard located in New Haven, IN, where I grew up.  I haven't lived there since 1989, but I was home to visit family and, at that time, get reference photos for a planned (never materialized) layout.  I thought it was interesting for two reasons.  1) N&W has been gone a long time!  And 2)  The modification; the chimney/smokestack is part of it!  When it comes to identifying this ki

Gondola idea; scratch build, kit, or RTR

Has anyone ever considered manufacturing a gondola or hopper car primarily out of plastic, but with brass for the sides?  Not sure how difficult it would be, but brass sides could be prototypicly thin, and relatively easy to bend and/or tear, the way the older cars sometimes are.  Everything but the two sides would be resin or styrene, or whatever.  Is this a possibility?  If some manufacturer sees this, I'd love to see it.

New BLI locomotive

Hey guys,

At this year’s trainfest, I visited the BLI booth and had the chance to talk to Ken Silvestri. I asked him about the possibility of them producing a pennsy S1 locomotive. He told me that there “might just be a brass hybrid on the way” I haven’t seen an official announcement yet. What do you guys think? 

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