Lighting Set Up On a F7 Locomotive
I recently recived a ATSF F7 in the freight scheme. It is the athearn Genesis and has the seperate outputs for the red mars light and normal light there along with the lower headlight with two normal lights. What I want to know is what would be the prototypical set up for this what should turn on when and if it is on should it flash or always on?
Murray River Bridge new layout construction day 14.5 Laying the staging yard.
Hi All
so I laid the staging yard, it's first time I Had used exclusively PECO code 83 track, must say it's very easy to bend to shape and retains the curve to the point that I didn't need to use map pins to hold the track in place while the glue dried.
check out the video.
A mountain for Masonville
Seeing as my son's bedroom layout is more fully functioning than mine, I figured it's time to test out/brush up my scenery skills. One of his frequent requests has been for a tunnel. I had acquired some 2" foam boards and Woodland Scenics foam tack glue for a now defunct 4x8, as well as some Chooch tunnel portals that were on clearance when the original Caboose Hobbies was closing out their inventory. September Scrapbook update is available and I've set up Patreon!
Murray River Bridge new layout construction day 10, 11and 12.5
Hi All
some more progress videos
end day 10 making the pylons from Tasmanian Oak
end day 11 building a through truss bridge side from MDF.
ESt.LRG Baggage/RPO/REA Car
To All: As a companion to my ESLRG E-Rail Car I painted and lettered this car. Photo by Elvin Howland. Yours, Elvin Howland/E. St. Louis Rail Group Layout
Something I wish I knew Sooner
So I am typically the type that to save time will type the site link directly, including MRH typing that gets a little long though and I started going through google. Just decided on a whim to type and found it takes you to the site. That is definitely a great idea and I think also will be better when telling people about the site.
Tahnaks for that and wish I knew sooner though (how many people actually did too I wonder)
MTM: Abu Hayder | scale modeling in Iraq
Life isn't always what we want it to be, that is a fact world wide.
Cultures are often grouped into regional challenges, by outsiders trying to figure out what is going on.
But I would like to point out, that no matter what you have been told, People are not inherently evil. They are not unlike you. Sometimes, they are just like you. Trying to just get by.
Imagineering on the LCRR
The LCRR (Lake Country Railroad) is a semi-prototypical layout running from Milwaukee, WI to Portage, WI with the main focus in the Lake Country area in Waukesha and Jefferson counties. Visible staging is Milwaukee and Portage. Switching will be done in Hartland, Oconomowoc, and Watertown. Hartland has prototypical track arrangement and industries. Watertown will have some of the prototypical industries, but the track arrangement is designed to best utilized the space available.
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