Bingham’s Pit Tunnel Construction
Train tunnel construction at Bingham canyon mine, we have some great pictures of them building the three tunnel that were in the pit.

New episode is out - The good/bad and in-between of building and owning a large home layout.
The TCD Podcast crew brings in Luke Lemmens to discuss the realities of building, owning and maintaining a large home layout.

My Layout design Blog
If you have been reading my blogs you know I have been doing most of my model railroading on a club layout and building models for my future layout. Now it is time to begin the design work on the layout and the structure that will house it. This will be a bit unusual in that I am not going to be filling the space with track work diagrams and the related flipping and shifting of components that seems to follow these things. At least initially it will be more strategic than tactical. Goals for the layout will be established, givens and druthers will also be addressed and operational aspects.
CP Arbutus Spur in Vancouver BC
The Canadian Pacific Arbutus spur lasted until May 2001. It had a long history as both an interurban line as well as a freight line for the BC Electric, BC Hydro and Canadian Pacific Railway. It had a lot to offer both in the historic and modern eras. It would be a nice small switching layout. More here:

New Freight Cars and Old Metal Stuff!
Enjoy my latest video featuring some new additions to the layout. I will be sharing my progress on my club layout module soon in (hopefully) a new series.
Opinions on operations sequence
As I develop my operations plan, a recent discussion brought some new considerations to light. I have two yards. one main and one secondary halfway across the layout. Recently a co-operator told me he disliked running trains out from the main yard to a town or district, switching, and returning to the same yard. He felt it more interesting to switch along the way ending up in another yard.
The difference between plastic and steel wheels?
What is the biggest difference between steel wheels and synthetic (nylon, plastic, resin) wheels? What is best and for what application?
US Army Munitions Depot Railroad in Hawthorne Nevada
Switching Army munitions as a small model railway? Sounds interesting.

Admiral Farragut would be proud . . .
A few weeks back, July 15 to be exact, I held my first operating session since January 23, 2020. Given how long it had been since I've had others operating on the Valley Line, it was intended to be a "shake down" session to see how the railroad has fared over such a long period of inactivity. As such, I should have checked my expectations at the top of the basement stairs. If I had, I probably would have had more fun.
Dull Coat
Hi everyone,
My question revolves around Dull Coat and Alcohol. Should the alcohol washes be applied first then the DC? If the DC was applied first would the alcohol attack the DC?? I would like to use both of these products for weathering my rolling stock.
Thanks, Scott
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