Question about Lionel Rolling Stock Paint Scheme
I'm looking to see if anyone knows a way to be able to strip paint off of a modern Lionel Boxcar. Thank you in advance.

New episode #16. 70 Tons of fun. Improving locomotive performance
Motor parameter Impact on train performance
I am moving the motor study to a separate post:

Carpentry question
I have a non-railroading question that's sort of carpentry related. I'd like some advice from the various capable people here.
I have just retrieved the parts to my office desk. It's a monster of a modular thing, fits in a corner and takes up 8 feet along each of two walls. I've had it for years, and it's been moved around a few times, and each time its moved a few more of the pins that hold it together get broken. These pins are meant to allow assembly and disassembly, but they don't survive moving well.

First road trip completed
My path to a layout has been one where I had to get over a lot of 'humps' before I could begin. I've finished the remodel of the apartment, bought a (used) van, and most recently completed my first road trip back to Texas where my stuff is stored and retrieved half of it.

Homemade Decals
Homemade Decals
Working on two BAEX box cars for US Salt. They just have so much personality. Finally found the Champion Paper decals on eBay, but only enough for one car. I think it was the last set in captivity. So I ordered some decal paper from MicroMark. Scanned the decal at 1200 DPI. Pasted a couple three in Adobe. Printed at 1200 DPI. Gave the sheet a shot of clear gloss. Waiting for it to dry. My first serious shot at homemade decals, we'll see how it goes tomorrow.
Being Satisfied
After much hemming and hawing I am settled that I've maxed out the potential for this space. Time to develop an operating scheme that covers the ent
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