
Pcfan60's picture

Details, details

Finished adding the utility poles down the left side of my layout, plus found some excellent prototypical signs by Small Scale Innovative, and have installed most of these:

mikehill_nz's picture

DCC++ and jmri programing issues

I have a dcc++ system set up on my test track separate from my layout.

The problem is every dcc loco factoey installed and custom. With and without sound. When I try to read in the chip to program the locos it gives me read errors.

Are there some other settings in the dcc++ software I need to change.

My power source is a stable 14v with plenty of current available.

Pcfan60's picture

Recent news

Recent news from the layout:

I’m finally working on finishing my utility pole line down the left side of my layout using Walther’s electric utility pole set

Ordered a set of what looks like excellent road and railroad signs from Small Scale Innovative which will arrive Thursday 

Big news is I join the ranks of ProtoThrottle owners tomorrow when my throttle arrives. Joe Atkinson, perhaps you can give me some pointers on setting mine up as well for slow speed switching 

dave1905's picture

WN Car Shop

The car shop has been busy.  

I have completed 3 more of my GHa homemade cast resin gons, which when combined with the previous GHa and 2 GMa gons will get all the out of era stand-in gons off the layout. 

Here are the gons prepped for painting:

And then in the paint shop:

IAISfan's picture

IAIS's West End - Rolling stock by the numbers

Best case, this is probably only going to be of interest to others who are afflicted with a level of OCD similar to my own smiley , but I thought I'd post it anyway just to see if I'm alone in my thinking.

TimGarland's picture

Seaboard Central - Operations Part 1 Trains

Hello All,

I just uploaded the second video of my How To Series on my Seaboard Central YouTube channel. This month is all about trains. While I didn’t include every train type I went over all the basic ones in operation during the modern era. More importantly, I wanted to talk about the different trains operating on my current version of the Seaboard Central.

Hope you enjoy the presentation!


Need some Wifi Throttle help

First of all, I apologize for this request.  I use NCE. I am not an IT techie at all! I bought a Dlink router and installed it yesterday and configured it through my laptop. I didn't have a long enough ethernet cable to reach my desktop. I click to start the jmri server and I get this message: "unrecoverable error encountered." java.lang. No such field error. HTTP2.  then the program stops on the laptop.

splitrock323's picture

Railfanning the Splitrock Mining Company

I was running the layout to work out the issues before the big OPSIG weekend. I took some video and combined them into a short movie. 



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