
FWWR finally becoming a railroad

Well, I've finally gotten the staging level and small helix completed to have track crews start construction on the main level. So roadbed is down.

Heading to Trainfest from Vermont.

Tuesday morning November 5, 2019.

Bags are packed so the hurry up has turned to wait.  Amtrack’s Vermonter will transport me to Philadelphia where I will spend the night.

Good Enough: Reflection on the dangers of a "how-to" dominated hobby

It is not often acknowledged, but model railroading is a difficult hobby. Our projects are complex, time-consuming, and diverse in scope, requiring of us to be planners and engineers, carpenters and electricians, and artists and sculptors. We seek to create a miniature built environment and natural world with increasingly complex interactions and diversity. To even come close is just shy of a miracle, and only accomplished by very few among us.  

Goose in The Caboose Productions's picture

Layout is up!!!

Finally!!!! Still have a few places to patch back up, but I can at least run trains. Stay tuned, more to come in November's update.

Update N scale Monolith Valley

Sunset on N scale Monolith ValleyNight On My N scale Monolith valley

Two Night imagine of my N scale Monolith Valley in Bologna - Italy

Robin W's picture

Its all Coming together ..cont from its been awhile.....

Well Happy Belated Halloween, Been busy lately, but here is an update on bringing my Layout to life from Paper to actual layout.. check out the pics below 

the Plan.

the layout heading into the yard...mainline has the loco  (left)

still alot of work todo still.. 

tschwartz's picture

Mining scene update

Got back to work on my mining scene area. Completed one final building for around the mine area. Small freight house to hold the explosives. Also scratch built the headframe storage and access area. 

not new

so i forgot my account crap so i had to make a new one it was a similar username so its still me

Pcfan60's picture

Latest project

Here’s a photo of my most recent weathering project, this is an Athearn Genesis GP9 I left as a newly painted unit with just road grime on the locomotive. Used a mix of Vallejo light grey and dirt color for the weathering 

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