SBrooke's blog

Weathering Confalone Style

Finally got around to weathering the GP7 that my wife bought me for Christmas using the techniques from the Mike Confalone weathering videos as well as some rolling stock that needed it:

Staging Yard

Finished the scenery on the staging yard, way easier and more fun than the 5 curved turnouts that I had to hand lay for it.


Concrete Paint

This is a great color for aged concrete if you don't feel like pulling your airbrush out everytime. I've used it on several different things, you can use light washes of India ink to age it even further.


When Rust is Really Rust

Friend of mine models armor and had some really realistic looking rust on his armor models. I asked what technique he used and he said real rust... 

This is the technique and method to make the rust. Also, I used an extra cup of vinegar and with a wet brush make a wash as well.

Ballast from the home improvement store

A good friend of mine has a triple deck layout of the Clinchfield RR and he has some absolutely amazing realistic ballast, so of course I asked where he got it from and he said that he sifted his own from bags of paver base that he got from the home improvement store. I had also read that Mike Confalone had done the same for his Allagash RR, though I believe that he said he just uses commercial ballast now. Anyhow, for those interested here is the process and result:

Scrapyard Crane

I've been looking high and low for a decent crane for a scrapyard scene. I stumbled on some cranes while looking on the internet and found out they are hard to get. I stumbled on them in an eBay search and just thought I'd share the link for those of you looking for a descent crane as well:

Chain Link Fence - Propane Dealer

Finished up the Propane Dealer and tried scratch building a chain link fence. A big shout out to Boulder Creek Railroad and his video on making chain link fences:

Using Grout to Accent Ballast

Used charcoal colored grout to give the secondary track ballast the grungy worn down look of secondary trackage. 



Rolling Stock on the A&EV

So a good friend of mine built a couple of cars representing the R&S for his railroad the A&EV 


Company Promotional Items

So my wife thought that the Railroad should have an official beer glass.  



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