2011 National Model Railroad Train Show (Sacramento, CA)
July 10, 2011 - Sacramento, CA - Walthers:
MRH News Reporter Jeff Shultz interviews Michael Stephens of Walthers to learn about their new HO model railroad product announcements at the 2011 National Train Show in Sacramento, CA.
(Running time: 10:21)
July 10, 2011 - Sacramento, CA - BLMA:
MRH News Reporter Jeff Shultz interviews Craig Martyn of BLMA to learn about their new HO and N model railroad product announcements at the 2011 National Train Show in Sacramento, CA.
(Running time: 3:35)
July 10, 2011 - Sacramento, CA - ExactRail:
MRH News Reporter Jeff Shultz interviews John Pestana of ExactRail to learn about their new HO model railroad product announcements at the 2011 National Train Show in Sacramento, CA.
(Running time: 2:54)
July 10, 2011 - Sacramento, CA - Scenic Express:
MRH News Reporter Jeff Shultz interviews Jim Elster of Scenic Express to learn about their new model railroad scenery product announcements at the 2011 National Train Show in Sacramento, CA.
(Running time: 8:36)
July 10, 2011 - Sacramento, CA - SoundTraxx:
MRH News Reporter Jeff Shultz interviews Jarrette Ireland of SoundTraxx to learn about their new SouroundTraxx and Blackstone model railroad product announcements at the 2011 National Train Show in Sacramento, CA.
(Running time: 15:28)
July 10, 2011 - Sacramento, CA - Kendall Collins:
MRH News Reporter Jeff Shultz interviews young artist Kendall Collins to learn about his railroad art works for sale at the 2011 National Train Show in Sacramento, CA.
(Running time: 3:22)
July 10, 2011 - Sacramento, CA - Atlas:
MRH News Reporter Jeff Shultz interviews Rob Pisani of Atlas to learn about their new model railroad product announcements at the 2011 National Train Show in Sacramento, CA.
(Running time: 5:35)
July 9, 2011 - Sacramento, CA - Digitrax User Forum
MRH video taped the Digitrax User Forum at the 2011 NMRA National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
(Five videos - total running time: about 2 hours!)
More coming in the next 24 hours ...
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Loads for the bulkheads
Great article and thanks for the printouts.
And as usual an awesome magazine.
Thanks guys,
Thanks for...
Thanks for the interviews. How many guys from MRH magazine attends these shows? It would be nice if we could get some more scales in the mix. I know HO is #1 and N is a distant #2, but there are still guys out there. One thought, it might be easier if the interviewer and interviewee have clip on mics for the interview.
MRH attendence
We usually have between 2 and 6, depending on where it is and who can make it. Joe, Charlie, Les, Patty and I have been to all four of the most recent Convention/NTS's. Richard Bale was at this one as well - my wife Laura helped out as well.
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.
Jeff Shultz - My blog index

MRH Technical Assistant
What about Les ?
I hope that Les Halmos got there, because I handed him off to Joe Fugate . . .
Yep, Les made it
Yep, Les made it ... if you watch carefully in the Scenic Express video, you can see Les lurking in the background in some of the shots!
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Admin: bad popup (tooltip)
On the newly added Digitrax X2011 user forum page, the link at the bottom - "return to" - is properly labeled, but the popup (tooltip) has the year as 2010.
Bill D.
N Scale (1:160), not N Gauge. DC (analog), Stapleton PWM Throttle.
Proto-freelance Southwest U.S. 2nd half 20th Century.
Keep on trackin'
Should be fixed
Should be fixed now...
Superintendent of nearly everything