How to make white lettering decals on transparent waterslip paper?
I understand how to make color decals on transparent waterslip pager but can't find how to make white decals.
I have an inkjet printer but it can't use white ink. What are my options?
"What's on your Workbench" November 2018 Edtion
Ok, it's November, the days are getting shorter and colder. I'm sure many are turning to modeling something in the cooler days to come. Let us see what is on your workbench or table.
Edited: For our modeler friends in the southern hemisphere I guess your modeling will be slowing down.
Selling my train.
I find it interesting that the topic of selling a layout or house with a layout is at a relative forefront. In the past I’ve marveled at how a car or a motorcycle have depreciated in a very short time to a very small amount. I began to realize long ago that artsy things like paintings and model railroads were sold for pennies on a dollar of their “time” worth. Selling a home with a Model Railroad included is no more than a hallucination. Not there,,,,,,,,,,,yet..........
Of Spelling, Grammar and Amateur English Teachers
This is an open letter to various folks on this forum.
This is an open forum (thanks to Joe) and we are all guests here (except Joe). We all come from various backgrounds. From various parts of the world. From various educational backgrounds and with an assortment of skills abilities and limitations. In short we are all different.
NMRA printed calendar for 2019? Anyone seen one yet?
I'm curious, I submitted some photos for the NMRA printed calendar for 2019 but never heard anything back either way.
I'd have thought that by now, it would have been printed and sent out, but the newest magazine arrived yesterday and no mention of it at all.
Has anyone seen it or heard anything about it? I know in the past I've submitted stuff and then found out through a friend that it'd bene printed and I never heard from the publisher originally.
Why ask for opinions or advice if you are not going to listen?
Is it just me or is there a new and growing tendency on forums (this one and others) for folks to post something extensibly to ask for advice or opinions and then for the topic to basically turn into the OP defending his/her original idea to the death ignore or finding fault with ever single person that comments in anything other then a positive manor.
Weekly photo fun 10/22/18-10/29/18
It's that time again. I got these awhile back I ordered from Athearn. I'm going to weather & graffiti the cars in the future. Now; let's see those photos/videos for the week!
Middle School Model Railroad: Inglenook and sandwiches
A Mini Maker Faire is being held tomorrow on the campus of the school where I teach. I’ll be hosting a booth for stone cutting and polishing.
Using Model Railroad Techniques in Other Hobbies
I ended up using my weathering tool and techniques over the weekend but not for something very typical, I used it to make some props from a video game I play called Fallout while a very different thing it used the exact techniques as model railroading so what hobbies overlap for you guys?
Athearn GP-9 bodies on a Proto 2000 Gp-9 chassis
Since I know mechanically the Athearn BB and proto 2000 are similar, my question is can bodies of the Athearn BB GP-9 fit on the Proto 2000 GP-7/9 chassis?? I'm asking because I have a couple of detailed and custom painted BB GP-9 bodies on unpowered chassis...and a few brand new Proto 2000 GP-7 and 9s.
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