Scenery - Structures

Twisted-Wire Oak Trees

So I finally figured out how to use my iPhone & iMovie, so I've posted a three-part step-by-step video series on how to make the N scale twisted-wire oak trees to my YouTube Channel.

[sorry the first one's not in HD: casualty of the learning process]

dfandrews's picture

What's in a structure kit

A couple of years ago, I asked a question:  What's in a kit.  We took a look at rolling stock and locos.

I thought it would be a good idea to see what is in some of the different types of structure kits.  I know that I don't like surprises when I open the box.  But, of course, things we wouldn't choose end up being very satisfying when we tackle them and and have a successful conclusion.

So, how about some examples:

Glen Interlocking Tower

To All: Another of my scratchbuilt towers is Glen. It is responsible for controlling entrance to the east end of Pacific Yard located on the upper level of the E. St. Louis Rail Group Layout.

Yours, Elvin Howland/E. St. Louis Rail Group

Vandalia Interlocking Tower

To All: The Vandalia RR was a subsidiary of the New York Central RR. The Vandalia RR had this standard plan for some of their towers. I scratchbuilt this one from a photo in a TRRA Historical Society publication. It controls entrance to two passing sidings and two main tracks on the E. St. Louis Rail Group Layout.

Yours, Elvin Howland/E. St. Louis Rail Group

Millard Lumber Complete


Jumped the gun a little bit on my last progress report since a styrene slab isn't much to write home about.  But I got around to finishing Millard Lumber on my IAIS Grimes Line layout.  It's nothing amazing but was a great first step in scratch-building and answered a lot of questions before I tackle the larger structures on the layout.


Bruce Petrarca's picture

Garden Fn3 bridge plans

I'm working on my Master Builder Structures NMRA AP. I need two scratch built structures to finish it up. Linda (my wife) pointed out that I need a couple of bridges on the RMP, which is an Fn3 (1:20.3) garden layout, so why not build some?

Last weekend I built a small wood bridge in HO from 1:1 scale plans - just cut the wood to length, as shown on the plan and glue together. I could scale those plans up 4.29 times (87.1 / 20.3). However, I'm looking to see if you MRH folks have some already together?

Progress Report - Millard Lumber

I'm currently working on the Millard Lumber warehouse and loading dock on my IAIS Grimes Line layout.  This represents the very first time I've ever scratchbuilt a structure.

DeCamp Interlocking Tower

To All: The second tower is DeCamp Interlocking Tower on the E. St. Louis Jct. Layout. Also scratchbuilt from a photo in a TRRA Historical Society publication.

Davis Jct. Interlocking Tower

To All: Today a couple of interlocking towers. Davis Jct. Tower was near a grain elevator, so I placed it near one on the E. St. Louis Rail Group Layout. It is scratchbuilt from a photo.

rickwade's picture

New scenery "How to" DVD posting - I can't find it

I know that it's right under my nose, but I can't seem to find it - the posting about the new offering of a DVD / download on a "How To" on scenery.  I want to purchase it, so can someone please point me in the right direction?  Thanks


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