Locos and rolling stock

"generic" locomotives from China...or, My googlefu has failed me.

Hi all, so some months, possibly even a year ago, in one of the discussions on Chinese manufacturing, someone posted a link to Aliexpress/alibaba or a similar site that listed a US prototype HO locomotive for sale that looked to be a no brand version of one of the major manufacturers locomotives. IE the same molds.

I CANNOT find the link to this at all. Not via just paging through likely threads, nor with google directly. Does anyone remember this? and maybe has the link? 


1960s Tank Cars

Hi everyone,

Is there a good list of 1960s era tank cars and their manufacturers. Namely those used for small fuel dealers. 

Graham Line's picture

To burnish or not to burnish

The oddest questions crop up in clubs.

Upon studying rolling stock requirements for a large (but not named here) model railroad club, we found an interesting requirement.

The rule is that the face of all Kadee couplers shall be cleaned up (presumably with a flat file) so that the outside of the knuckle presents a shiny, uniform surface.

We tried a comparison coupling tests using cars equipped with:

kirkifer's picture

Gearbox Mantua 0-6-0

I found these old Mantua 0-6-0 locos cheap at a trainshow. I really only wanted the slopeback tenders, but these little engines are really heavy and I think they would make neat little runners, especially with a little detail work.

When I pulled them apart to clean and lube, I realized someone had modified one of the engines with a small Saigami and a gearbox. I am sure it will be difficult to find another Saigami but I suspect the gearbox is a NWSL part. Can anyone identify the gearbox with a model number?

Identify and repair this old steam locomotive

I have this old HO steam locomotive which I am planning to use for static display. The screw that connects the cylinder, side rod and linkage is missing (highlighted in red). Does anyone know where to find a replacement? It would probably help if anyone can identify the make of the loco? I thought it might be a Mantua, but what I see the Mantua Mikados have a flat top on the trailing truck.

tbdanny's picture

A Scratchbuilt On30 4-6-4T

I've just completed my latest build in On30, a 4-6-4 tank engine.  Here's a video outlining how I made it:


DCC Turbine Sound Decoders from Russian Federation

Has anyone had any experience or knowledge of the Sound Decoders being sold on e-bay from the Russian Federation ?  They advertise sound decoders for the UP turbines, among others items, and I'm curious as to their origin or who makes them. Are the sounds accurate, reliable and of good quality?

Larry B


Jackh's picture

Assembly of Cache Creek Scale Models Freight Trucks

This is an On30 car. It has freight trucks with separate side frames and center piece, (bolster?), and wheels. Directions are 2 photos and one line of directions about inserting bearing into side frame. That's it there is nothing else!!!frown

Depressed Center Flat question

I am using this flat for inspiration, although probably can't quite match it using a Blue Box kit.  I can't tell if the deck is bare metal or gray paint.  It looks like the center, depressed portion is bare metal, and the rest painted, but it could be a trick of the light.

It probably won't have the same cargo,

What roads carried lumber (hardwood) from South/Southeast to the west (CA)?

Hi all,

I am trying to fill up some spots in my car fleet and i was wondering what kind of roadnames would be appropriate for carrying hardwoods to hypothetical furniture factories, lumber dealers etc... in California from the south (Tennessee etc...). FRISCO? Southern Ry? other?

Era is late 1960s early 1970s, and i am interested mostly in boxcars.

I had in mind some FRISCO 40' and 50' PS cars as projects.

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