Locos and rolling stock

Atlas Gold Master U30B (BN)

Does anyone have an experience of this loco? specifically this one http://www.atlasrr.com/HOLoco/hou30b1.htm#.VcDCpzBVhBc

​It looks like a nice loco, but im unsure about slow speed running and also the QSI decoder... So, opinions?




Painting diecast intermodal 5 car set

Hi guys

I bought a 5 car gunderson intermodal kit and I am at the point where I am ready to paint.  I heard of ways to prep the diecast metal but can't seem to find that link again.  I want to make sure the paint sticks so that is why I am asking.  Of course once its painted LOL I am going to attempt to weather it with paint and powders.  

I need all the help I can get and appreciate the answers.  Thanks Keith


I am doing a logging layout set in the Teens and 20's era when things were just beginning to modernize, No particular place. I already have some expensive HO Locos. I also want to use some HOn3 for things like side tracks into the mountains, Mills etc, but I do not want to "break the bank" so to speak to get an HOn3 loco or two. How do i convert an HO loco to HOn3 I know there is a way.

Bachmann Cylindrical Hopper heavy duty bash-painted & decaled

Like the title says, so far a lot of work has gone into this project. I removed the walk, hatches, end cage, bolsters, reshaped the ends, replaced the top with a IM cylindrical hopper modified top and removed everything that could be removed. As usual, I'm clueless on how to post photos, so maybe our leader will help like he so kindly did on my last post.

Regards, Bobby

How to make plastic look like fairly new wood? Tourist car...

I've been looking through some threads, and seen plenty of articles on how to make well weathered wood out of styrene.  What I need is a way to make a freight car deck look like relatively new wood in decent shape.  I have a set of Central Valley 40' boxcar floor and frame.  I'm going to build them up and put open seating on them.  The railroad took some old box cars and re-used the frames, replacing the wood, and using them for tours of the scenic gorges and rivers.  The cars have only been in service for a couple of years, so the boards have seen a fai

Recommend me a loco...

hoping for some recommendations for a loco. I'm moving from n scale to ho and need to get a loco to get my new RR up and running...

my requirements are:

* HO, DCC sound, preferably factory installed sound, but I can handle a simple install

* short wheelbase switcher, I really love nw2/sw7/mp15 type locos- essentially little switchers (my layout will be a small switching layout, so no big mainline trains)

* good quality slow speed running. Mostly I will be running it very slowly doing switching jobs

kirkifer's picture

Kitbashing an Athearn 85' TOFC flat car

OK, I give up.

I know there are better representations available, but I hate to just throw out the Athearn 85 foot TOFC models. Over the years, there have been magazine articles with instructions on how to splice two cars together to end up with a proper length (89' 4") flat.

This is where I give up... I have tried searching the Train Life database for articles that supposedly exist, but have had no luck actually finding the article(s). Does anyone know the month, year and magazine title for these articles?

SeaboardSmitty's picture

Stripping paint from a Branchline Blueprint boxcar

Hope this is the right forum for this, couldn't find a "paint shop" type forum.
I got a Branchline Blueprint 50 footer on ebay, in C&O colors, and want to re-paint and decal it for Western Pacific. I'd like to hear from anyone who has already invented the wheel for me, and can tell me what works best on BB models as a stripper?

Mounting NWSL repower motor into Mantua 4-6-2

I am repowering a Mantua 4-6-2 (solid boiler) with NWSL kit and motor.  Its not clear in the instructions (link below) how & where the motor is to be mounted.  The new motor and old motor frame are pictured in the attached photo.  It seems like the motor might be glued to the inner top of the frame with the motor axle & worm gear coming in at an angle to the gear on the drive axle.  The instructions indicate keeping the motor axle "parallel" but I do not see how that could be, not without creating a new base for the motor to sit on.  I cou

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