Problems accessing the new magazine issue
Short answer: If the Flash downloader is throwing an error like 2032, we find it's because your browser cache is stale. Flush your browser cache and you should get the latest information from our web site and be able to access the new issue properly.
Long answer: If the Flash downloader keeps throwing an error like a 2032, generally this happens because you have old pages stored in the browser cache memory on your computer.
When you visit web pages, your browser stores a copy of the page locally on your computer in its "cache memory". This speeds up page loading if you visit the site again later.
However, the default time-to-live on your browser cache can be several hours to several weeks (varies depending on a lot of factors), so even though the page has changed, your browser may pull the old page from your local browser cache instead of getting the latest page from our web servers.
If you want to "tell your browser who is boss" and force a page refresh from our servers, this web site tells you how. This site has more detailed information on how browser caching works (if you care) and along the top it lists all the major browsers. Just click the name of the browser you are using to learn how to refresh your browser cache.
Then also try the steps in this help posting:
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march issue
I am not able to access the march issue. Is it available? Get the current issue keeps bringing up the February issue.
@omakken March issue may be
March issue may be available on Monday 7th March 2016
Please read this thread for why
March Issue
Can not load it to my hard drive, down loads O.K.
Having trouble getting MRH to load on my hard drive, use to work fine till there was a change in your loading. Maybe I am missing something, I am computer stupid and I don't mean maybe. I really do not want to down load each issue every time I want to read it. Thank You in advance for your help.
More details, please
To be able to help, we need more details.
1. What kind of device? Computer, tablet, phone?
2. What kind of browser?
3. Using wifi or a cellular data connection?
4. Where are you located? Denver is different from South Africa, for instance.
5. What is the specific error you're getting? Describe the failing behavior in some detail.
The more specifics you can give us, the better we will be able to help.
Often, changing the mix on the above list will solve the problem. For example, take #2 - try more than one browser to see if it makes any difference.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Having trouble getting 3/2017 MRH issue to load on my hard drive
First time having trouble downloading MRH mags.
1. What kind of device? > Computer
2. What kind of browser? > Latest Firefox & IE; neither work
3. Using wifi or a cellular data connection? > Hardwired
4. Where are you located? > Phoenix, AZ area
5. What is the specific error you're getting? > Loads Feb 2017 issue.
March issue
Sorry Joe, I didn't see that the March issue won't be available until the 6th.
Can't download December
I received a notice the other day that the December issue was available. I downloaded it and had the August edition!
I just received another notice and when I downloaded MHR it came up as the August issue.
Thought you might want to know,
Paul T.
Paulie T
Please clear the cache on your internet browser.
If you got to you should be downloading the December issue.
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.
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