Magazine help
What happened to the embedded edition?
Short answer: For some very technical reasons, the embedded edition has been discontinued. Unless you are very computer savvy, just know this: the version of the magazine you get now is every bit as good and you will notice no difference.
Just download the new version and be happy -- you will never miss the old, much more bloated embedded edition.
Long answer: (Very technical) The old embedded edition of MRH used embedded Flash media inside the PDF.
Things aren't working well this issue, can you please fix it?
First, there's some immediate trouble-shooting you can do. If you contact us, this is what we'll tell you, so if you want to save some time, try the steps below before you contact us.
Also, there's a lot more you can do on your end to troubleshoot the problem, and possibly get it working better.If you contact us, these steps are the first thing we will tell you to do, so you might as well try them first before contacting us.
How come the magazine doesn't fill the screen?
Is this what you see in Adobe Reader when you go to full screen?
How do I read MRH on an android tablet like a Kindle?
Below is a video demonstrating how to read MRH on an android tablet like a Kindle. The best PDF reader on Android for MRH is ezPDF Reader:
How do I access back issues?
Short answer: Just go to ...
Long answer: Under our Magazine menu, you can find a menu entry called Back issues ... just select it.
We list every back issue we've ever produced, and you can just go here to access any issue we've ever produced. This list is available and will remain available forever.
The magazine download is not working - it worked last issue!
Short answer: The internet is a dynamic place that changes every month. We provide a mirror site that's in a totally different location, so make sure you try it as well. We provide the green button (web downloader) that bypasses our Flash download wizard, so make sure you try that also. Finally, there's a download option on the cover of the online edition - if all else fails, try it.
What's the difference between the Standard and Embedded edition?
The Standard edition does not have the rich media (such as video clips) embedded in the downloadable PDF file. This makes the standard edition file size much smaller than the embedded edition. For the standard edition, we keep the rich media on the internet. When you want to view any rich media, the browser (such as Microsoft Edge or Chrome) will appear and display the media.
Problems accessing the new magazine issue
Short answer: If the Flash downloader is throwing an error like 2032, we find it's because your browser cache is stale. Flush your browser cache and you should get the latest information from our web site and be able to access the new issue properly.
Long answer: If the Flash downloader keeps throwing an error like a 2032, generally this happens because you have old pages stored in the browser cache memory on your computer.
Any recommendations for those on slow dialup?
Short answer: Try starting the download at bed time, and when you wake up the next morning, your magazine should be there waiting for you. Also consider using a download manager, since you can schedule downloads and restart them when they fail (more details in the long answer).
HELP! How do I access/read the magazine?
Short answer: You have two basic choices, with a third if you're desperate:
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