The magazine download is not working - it worked last issue!

Short answer: The internet is a dynamic place that changes every month. We provide a mirror site that's in a totally different location, so make sure you try it as well. We provide the green button (web downloader) that bypasses our Flash download wizard, so make sure you try that also. Finally, there's a download option on the cover of the online edition - if all else fails, try it.

Long answer: The trip along the wire between our servers and your device involves a lot of hops between nodes and if any of those nodes changes in any way since the last time you tried a download, it can have issues. Likely as not, next month, things will work fine again.

But because the internet can sometimes be a little finicky with large downloads through HTTP in a web browser, we give you lots of options to try:

1. Have you tried using the mirror instead of the primary? Our mirror server is in a completely different part of the US from our primary server, so the internet hops needed to get from our server to your device can be quite different.

2. Have you tried using both the green button WEB DOWNLOADER and the red button FLASH DOWNLOADER (desktop/laptops only)? The red button uses a Flash wizard to manage the download and Flash is know to sometimes misbehave if things aren't quite right. The green button downloader uses a bit less intuitive save/open feature of your browser (often relying on a right mouse button click on a Windows PC or a command-click on a Mac), but since there's no Flash wizard in the middle, that variable is eliminated from the mix.

3. Have you tried the download button in the online edition? On the cover page at the bottom of the online edition, there's a download button. This button takes you to the download buttons in the back of the issue that use a completely different server from all the other options, so if nothing else is working, try this to do the download. Third time may be the charm!

So far one of these three other options has solved the problem people are having with downloading (100% success). That's why we provide them: if one doesn't work don't just keep trying a method that is failing - try one of the other choices!



santa fe 1958's picture


I've also found it depends on the time of the day.

I usually download it about 8am local time, which is about midnight on the west coast, and before the east coast wakes up! Can often download in seconds. The September edition took a little longer as I'm still in the U.S., but I had to use the mirror instead of the primary.



Deadwood City Railroad, modeling a Santa Fe branch line in the 1960's!

monthly Issue acknowledgement sent to my email address

I don't remember exactly when I changed my email address from yahoo to google chrome (late 2020) but ever since I have not gotten any notification to my new email address. I have gone to the magazine website in my account and made the correction to my account information. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,


MRH: Please email with your old and new email addresses and we'll take it from there.

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