steamhog's blog

rolling continuity tester
This simple test car shows any poor connections.

Middlebury VT new tunnel
Middlebury, VT has a new rail tunnel under construction fabricated from precast concrete. This could be a unique scene to model. Clearances in the new tunnel accomodate new equipment and the town green is improved.

Superb Soundtraxx service
Leaving both headlights on for switching is prototypical. Engineers don't turn headligts on and off with each change of directions. Soundtraxx customer service answered my email on this topic within an hour !
George Bogatiuk described exactly what to do clearly and briefly. Part of the instructions were to set both CV 57 and 58 to 255 to enable all the lights in both directions. Simple ! There's also a four minute video demysitifying indexed CV's.

South Carolina caboose condos
South Carolina's Williams-Brice stadium has a collection of expensive cabooses for football fans. No expense was spared for these very deluxe units.
an interior:

square corners, CTC
Square corners satisfy. The MicroMark gluing jig is a good base, and the Coffman right angle clamp works well with 1/8" masonite in two of the pictures below. ( both MRH sponsors )

Aldon rail equipment
Aldon company is a prototype supplier with an intriguing array of equipment. One innovative item is the Switch Cube® , which I don't think has been modeled. Hobby newbies may not be able to tell how switch points will guide the flanged wheel, apparently this is true of workers too.

DCC CV spreadsheet
Double headed locomotives require speed matching to run well together, especially true for switching. I used page 50 in the NCE PowerCab manual rev.1.65 . Control Variables ( CV''s ) should be changed in programming mode so that the initial setting of a CV ( Cryptic Vexation?

non-directional headlights
Controlling model locomotive headlights realistically should be convenient. The prototype doesn’t turn lights off and on with every change of direction. DCC sophistication overlooks this conspicuous distraction. When I’m switching I want both headlights on. Changing to non directional lighting is daunting.
I have a locomotive with a loksound 5 decoder and a ProtoThrottle. Deciphering the loksound manual and the Iowa Scaled instructions is complicated.

Burlington, Vermont model railroad talk March 26, 2019
Burlington Vermont's Fleming Museum has a theme this spring on miniatures.
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