fernpoint's blog

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Cornhill & Atherton - Vezmar Mine to Redpale Creek

Mortimer is finished and this is the next episode in the C&A saga - Vezmar Mining and Redpale Creek.

This section spans the window wall on the upper deck and links Spangler Gap to the outskirts of Atherton.

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Cornhill & Atherton - The Locomotive Roster story

This is the latest paint and weather job - C&A’s number 3 locomotive.

It started life as a Bachmann “Russian Iron” in mint condition dcc fitted, which I got on eBay for somewhere around a ludicrous 45 dollars. No one else was bidding – right time/right place I guess.

Other than fitting a tender light and replacing the decoder (and painting of course), I haven’t made any changes.

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Cornhill &Atherton – Mortimer: East of Matrimony Hill

After leaving the tunnel at the summit of Matrimony Hill, the C&A main heads east and passes through Mortimer. This is a small but moderately busy town which services passengers and general freight traffic for a few local industries. Fess Allman is the Station Master and he (like many of those employed by the C&A) is an unusual character. More on Fess and his curious staff at a later date…..

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Cornhill & Atherton - "The Wedding Cake"

This blog is going to cover my efforts to stop a helix looking like a wedding cake.

I am doomed to fail……………

However, my objective is to use every trick, tool and all advice given along the way, to minimize the visual problem that a helix presents.

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Cornhill & Atherton - "The Blob"

This may look a little odd ..................

The Cornhill & Atherton is a double deck RR in 11' x 9' - so space is tight.

The Helix takes up a lot of room, so to avoid losing valuable real estate, Atherton yard sits on top of the Helix.
Disguising a helix is difficult unless you have a lot of space to mold some kind of mountain around it.

The bit of scenery below (nicknamed "The Blob" for now) is intended to try to convey a sense of a mountain top in a very very small amount of space.

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Cornhill & Atherton Engine House

I am supposed to be working on the mountain behind the Engine Terminal which tops the Helix, but I got a bit distracted (it's not a crime). So here is my first ("semi serious") attempt at a structure.

Origins are an eBay purchased; Muir Models vintage kit.
As far as kit contents and instructions go, we are in "box of sticks and a vague clue"  territory, but I see this as an advantage. I've come close to scratch building the whole thing so, my confidence levels for future kit bash/scratch build have gone up considerably.

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Cornhill & Atherton Turntable Test

To be honest, this is as more a test of me taking a video and uploading it to YouTube..........
However, the turntable works with zero wobble which I am very pleased with, having spent an age building to tight tolerances and doing a lot of adjustment.

Need to work on camera focus but everyone has to start somewhere smiley

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Atherton Yard Turntable Complete

Finally got the turntable finished and installed - Just needs the Digitrax auto reverser and approach track linked in and we're good to go..............

Turned out much better than I thought for a cheap eBay 1963 vintage kit (Cliff Line).

There are many bargains about on eBay for the patient - (I recommend casual hunting on a laptop  while half watching TV).

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Cornhill & Atherton - Turntable Fun

Haven't posted for a while........

Just too  busy "Working on the Railroad" so cyber time has been relegated.

Anyway, for those of you who remember I am following 'top down' building principles for a small double deck layout.The top deck track work is almost 100% complete and I just needed to build a turntable for Atherton engine terminal.

Here it is........close to completion:

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Destroying the Illusion

I’m talking about the moment when the thought: “Is it a model?” turns into “Yep, it’s a model”……….

I am curious about what people think are the primary culprits when it comes to realism killers.
This isn’t intended to be an opportunity to criticise people’s work but more a way of identifying improvement opportunities.

 As Prof Klyzr says “Aim to Improve” and there never was a better bit of advice.

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