wp8thsub's blog

Stuff I Don't Care About on the 8th Sub
With every model, every scene, there reaches a point where I'm satisfied with it, or at least have decided that whatever ails it will receive no further attention. In the interests of getting a large home layout to a reasonable level of completion, I have to prioritize where I direct my efforts. Sometimes people will comment about why a particular item hasn't been "improved" with some extra attention. The usual reason is that I DON'T CARE. It's that simple. I made the call about where something has fulfilled its purpose for me, and lef

Junction City - A Yard on the 8th Sub
Not much had been happening to finish the 8th Subdivison's yard at Junction City. I got some inspiration from a new kit and proceeded from there.

This Stinks,Change It - Updating a Scene on the 8th Sub
I decided to change a scene that's been bugging me for some time. Follow along as it receives a transformation.

Raft River - A Town on the 8th Sub
The Raft River branch departs from the 8th Subdivision main at Cedar. It descends via a helix to Cedar Creek canyon, then disappears again under part of Milton to finally emerge as a narrow scene on a lower deck where the town proper is located. Previous blog entries describe other locales on the layout, so I'll limit the discussion here to the bottom deck portion of the branch.

25th Street - A Backdrop on the 8th Sub
Backdrops are now underway behind the 25th Street branch.

Ops Night - Watching My Crew Run Trains
I took some photos of the last operating session at my place. Let's see how things went...

Leaving Lakeview - The Movie
Hey look - a video.
I've been working on ground cover and ballast in this scene, and set the camera on an empty ballast container to shoot a test train as it went by. I just used some power and cars available at Lakeview's yard, so they vary in quality and level of finish. It's typical of a train you might see as a visiting operator.

Thoughts on The Fleet
In preparing for the next operating night, I often think about the makeup of the car fleet and the compromises I make to get the layout running.

Latest Backdrops
Backdrops behind the Junction City yard are just about finished.
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