ChrisNH's blog

Designing Winslow Mills, Another Look
I have decided to take another look at how I am handling Winslow Mills. I switched the position of Waldoboro and Winslow Mills. This provided me with a number of benefits. Winslow Mills is correctly oriented as far as East and West relative to Waldoboro. The majority of the structures are now on the inside of the plan creating space to include the cannery and a few others.

Designing Winslow Mills - My First HO Adventure
It is finally time to get something built in HO scale. In this entry I am going to describe the layout I am planning with a focus on the 20"x120" section I am going to start with. The larger layout will include Waldoboro on the Maine Central's Rockland branch but my first effort will be focused on the village of Winslow Mills a few miles to the northwest of Waldoboro.

It has been a long time!
It has been a long time since I have made a blog entry. I have been busy with work, family, and other hobbies. After a long hiatus I started home brewing again. I have also discovered that editing home videos takes an absurd amount of time. Oh yeah, I have two toddlers. 'Nuff said!

Hosted My First Round-Robin Session
I don't have pics, so I will keep this short..
I am a member of a round robin group called "The Seacoast N-Scalers" here in Southeast NH. It has proved to be a tremendously enjoyable group. Everyone is relatively local which has made travel easy. While we mostly visit the same large "operating" layout, we from time to time we visit one of the other member's layouts. In my case, we were visiting another member's mostly empty basement.

Model Railroad Potpourri
This month I have a little progress on a few different things:
I have finally completed my AC Static Grass Flocker Mark I
I have practiced painting my bridge abutments
I have begun to ballast my track.
This is kinda silly, with the magazine coming out tomorrow my timing is poor, but here we go..

Gilman, VT LDE
The July 2009 issue of Model Railroader features a track plan for the west end of the Maine Central's mountain division. Included prominently in this plan is the paper mill at Gilman Vermont. Since I am including this industry in my design as well, I thought it might be interesting to see what I came up with, too.

Adventures in Dirt Texturing and Tree Building
With the coming of spring my basement has once again become a hospitable habitat suitable for the migration of Model Railroaders. Once the wife goes back to work, I expect to have more time to myself to spend working on my layout. I figured it was time to fire up the Journal again..

Ground Texture: Trial & Error
I have finally completed putting the plaster/vermiculite mixture down for my scenic base and have painted it my basic earth color. I also got around to painting the valence. I will paint the facia after I complete my scenery. The next step is to put down the ground texturing which, per Joe Fugate's scenery DVD, is a mixture of plaster and dried tempera paint. This sifted onto the scenery base.
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