LKandO's blog

Powering the LK&O
A blog thread about installing railroad, control, and accessory power on the LK&O layout.

LK&O Railroad Blog on MRH
I noticed the index that JL&T Jason created for his blog here on MRH and I thought I would do the same. It's a nifty idea.
My blog entries on MRH are a small subset of a much more detailed blog hosted at So if you want the full scoop or if you can't sleep and warm milk isn't doing the trick then please visit my site.
From newest to oldest:

LK&O Trackwork
This is my blog for those who wish to follow along as I build sub-roadbed and lay track on the LK&O Railroad. Any and all comments are welcomed and appreciated.

LK&O Benchwork
A thread for those wanting to follow along with the benchwork construction phase of my railroad.

Lighting the LK&O RR
A thread for those of you who would like to follow along on my layout lighting progress.

Upper Valance - Part II
Just a quick update before I sign off to begin the holiday festivities. I have made sufficient progress on the upper valance to be ready for Santa's LED presents to me. The wall angle for the lay-in lighting panels is completed all way round. That allowed me to begin finish work on the valance front. It is taped and first round of mud.
Wall angle:

Backdrop Progress
I made a quick update post on the LK&O blog about my backdrop progress. For my US friends, if you find yourself so full of turkey you can't move and clicking is all the motion you can muster up this holiday have a look.

LED Lighting Test
Is LED lighting workable for layout lighting? In my case, close but no cigar.
Here is my test setup. The bench top is 54" from the floor. The valance panel is 21" above the bench top. The LED strip is mounted 2" from the bottom of the valance. That makes the LEDs 23" above the bench top. The strip is a 5050 on 0.65" spacing (300 LEDs per 5m). They are powered at 12v drawing 2.6A.

Upper Valance - Part I
Well, it isn't sexy and it sure isn't fine modeling but hey, first things first. My upper fascia installation progress thus far. With a little drywall mud, a coat of paint, and some suspended ceiling tiles in place I think it is going to work out swell. Amazing how rigid 1/8" hardboard can become when formed into curves and screwed in place.

NO, Mr. Gorbachev
Not that one. I just built it. It is my peninsula support/backdrop wall.
The full story and more pics here.
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